Prompt #9

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Prompt: can you do one where Galen actually likes Theo? And maybe he cuddles up to him?

A.N.- Sorry it's kind of short >.<


                “Hello,” I greeted as Mr. Ivanov let me into the house.

                He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “Galen is playing with Dimitri right now. If you need me to, I can take him off your hands. I know he isn’t your biggest fan. He doesn’t like people who are close to Dimitri.”

                “Nah, he’s fine,” I said, holding up the plushie in my hand. “My cousin was cleaning out his room and he used to be a huge anime nerd. He was going to get rid of this, but I asked him if I could have it for Galen. I know he likes anime.”

                Mr. Ivanov smiled brightly. “Oh, Galen will love that! Thank you, Theo!”

                “No problem,” I said and made my way to the living room.

                Dimitri and Galen were lying on the floor together. Galen was playing with action figures, and Dimitri was playing along with him. He looked up and smiled cheerfully.

                “Little Theodore,” he said. “Care to join us? Goku was about to save the world from Sasuke.”

                “I don’t know what that means,” I said. “But I have a present for Galen.”

                Galen eyed me suspiciously. “For…me?” he asked.

                I nodded and went over, holding the plushie out to him. “Here, it’s Ed from Full Metal Alchemist,” I said.

                “Wow, Dimmy look!” Galen cried in excitement as he took it from me. “It’s different than the one you got me! Look, Dimmy! It’s so cool!”

                “I see that, dear. It’s very impressive,” Dimitri said, ruffling Galen’s hair.

                Galen looked up at me, clutching the plushie, his eyes shining. “Thanks so much Theo! I love it!”

                “Yea, no problem,” I said with a smile. As scary as the kid could be, he was pretty cute right now. I wanted Galen to at least like me a little since he was my boyfriend’s little brother.

                Galen turned to Dimitri. “Dimmy, can we watch Full Metal Alchemist? Please?”

                “Anything for my fabulous little brother,” Dimitri said, standing up. He came over and kissed me. “Thank you for bringing him such a wonderful gift, little Theodore.”

                He grabbed the TV remote and turned the TV on, pulling up Netflix. I sat on the couch and Galen came over, pulling himself into my lap.

                I stared at him in surprise. Uh…well…this was awkward. What was I supposed to do? How do you act around little kids? Was I supposed to put my arms around him or something?

                I thought back hard to all the times I had seen the kid sit on Dimitri’s lap. Dimitri always had an arm around him to make sure he didn’t fall.

                I hesitated before putting my arm around Galen. He rested his head on my shoulder, clutching the plushie.

                Dimitri turned to sit down and noticed us. He gave me a grateful smile and came over, sitting next to us. He leaned over so that his lips were nearly touching my ear.

                “Good job, little Theodore. You’ve temporarily won over my brother.” He smiled. “Thank you, darling, for trying so hard. You know how much he means to me.”

                He leaned back slipped his arm around my waist. The show started and Galen watched in amazement.

                “Wow, isn’t it great Theo?” he asked in excitement after a few minutes.

                “Yea, it’s awesome,” I said.

                About three episodes in, Galen turned to me. “I’m thirsty, Theo.”

                “He’s too short to reach the cups in the kitchen,” Dimitri translated helpfully.

                “Oh, uh, okay. Sure,” I said. Galen grabbed his arms around my neck.

                “Carry him,” Dimitri mouthed at me, trying not to laugh. I mentally sighed and stood up, holding Galen the way I had seen Dimitri and his parents carry him.

                I brought him out to the kitchen and somehow managed to pour him apple juice with one hand. I carried it back to the living room and sat down. Galen cuddled up in my lap, sipping his juice carefully, making sure he didn’t spill it.

                He grabbed a blanket and pulled it over the two of us, his head back on my shoulder. I put my arm around him again and couldn’t help but smile. Okay, when he wasn’t being an overprotective brat, he was pretty adorable.

                A few more episodes in, I looked down and realized that Galen had fallen asleep, his head on my shoulder still and body curled in my lap. I shifted him so that he was more comfortable.

                “Ah, I guess we’re trapped here until he wakes up. Unless you’d like me to move him,” Dimitri said.

                “No,” I said, smiling down at Galen. Maybe we could actually get along. “No, he’s fine.” 

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