Prompt #34

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Prompt: The marriage proposal for Dimitri and Theo

A.N.- A lot of people requested this, so I'm not dedicating it to anyone specific. I hope you guys like it since you kept asking for it! ^-^


                “Theodore!” Dimitri practically sang as he came into our apartment.

                “Yes?” I asked, looking up at him from the book I had been reading.

                “Come along darling,” he said.

                I groaned. “Dimitri, I forgot about our dinner plans tonight. I’m really sorry. I have a lot of work to do tonight. I’m sorry, but can we do this tomorrow?”

                Dimitri shook his head, that stubborn look in his eyes. “No! Theodore, we are going to dinner tonight!” he said.

                “Dimitri I can’t,” I said, gesturing at the paperwork in front of me. “I have work in the morning and I have all these papers to grade!”

                “Turn them in a day late,” he said, forcing me off of the couch. He smiled at me and kissed me. “I promise it’ll be worth it.”

                I sighed and nodded, because something in his eyes said that this was very important to Dimitri. He kissed me again and pulled me over to the door.

                We put our shoes on and left the apartment together. We got in the car and Dimitri drove us down to the restaurant together.

                We got out of the car and went inside. We were seated and picked up our menus, looking them over.

                “You were fancy tonight,” I said. He was wearing a purple, button up shirt over yellow jeans. He had a pink tie on that clashed with the purple.

                “I try,” he said, reaching over and taking my hand in his.

                The waiter came and we ordered our food. Dimitri smiled over at me as he sipped on the wine he had ordered for us.

                “How was your day, little Theodore?” he asked.

                “Uh…it was good,” I said in confusion. I worked as a teacher at the local high school.

                “That’s great!” he said. He seemed extra cheerful tonight.

                “Why are you so happy tonight?” I asked.

                “Why, because I’m with you!” he said.

                “That was cheesy,” I said, rolling my eyes.

                “Cheesy but true.” He leaned over and pressed his lips to mine.

                Our food came and the two of us ate hungrily. We talked casually, me telling Dimitri about work and him telling me about the latest drawing he had been working on.

                “When do I get to see this drawing? You’ve been working on it for forever,” I said.

                “You’ll see it soon,” he assured, squeezing my hand. “Patient, little Theodore.”

                We finished eating and Dimitri paid before we left. We got in the car and I was surprised as Dimitri drove us down to the ice cream place.

                “Why are we here?” I asked in confusion as he parked. He sometimes took Galen here just to bond with him now that he didn’t live in the house anymore.

                “Why, to get ice cream of course,” Dimitri said, getting out of the car.

                I shrugged and got out as well. We ordered our ice cream and sat down together in the back. It was a quiet night, and I looked up at the sky as it grew darker.

                “Do you remember, little Theodore? I brought you here when we had just started our secret relationship. We picked my brother up from school and came here. I had to kiss you every time you started to hate me,” he said, chuckling.

                “I remember,” I said with a sigh. “Your brother threatened me not to hurt you.”

                “My wonderful Galen, always looking out for me,” he said fondly.

                We finished our ice cream and I glanced over at Dimitri. “Ready to go?”

                “Not quite,” he said. “Wait right here!”

                He got up and went over to the car. I watched in confusion as he came back and handed me a thin, wrapped gift.

                “Open it,” he said, nodding at me.

                I pulled the paper off and stared in surprise. “Dimitri,” I whispered.

                “My latest painting,” he said with a smile, kissing my cheek.

                It was the two of us in tuxedos, standing together happily, our fingers locked together. I looked at him curiously.

                “Why are we wearing tuxedoes in it, though?” I asked.

                Dimitri pulled me up to my feet, and my eyes widened as he knelt down in front of me, pulling a small box out of his back pocket and opening it to reveal a ring. He took my hand in his.

                “Theodore, will you marry me?” he said, smiling.

                “Yes,” I whispered, trying not to choke up like a sissy.

                Dimitri slid the ring onto my finger and stood up, pulling me close and kissing me passionately. I kissed him back, my arms going around him, because I loved this man and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him.

                “And now you’ll be my Theodore,” he whispered against my lips before kissing me again, and ring a comfortable weight on my finger that promised me years of happiness with Dimitri Ivanov. 

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