Prompt #41

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Prompt: Hello can you do a continuation on the Ouside the Lines Christmas with Sasha one, and add Theo and Dimitris family?

A.N.- I'm really sorry that this isn't very good, it's hard to be all "YEAAA CHRISTMAS" in July, especially because I really didn't care for Christmas and the whole yay family and cheer thing this year .__.


                “Ah, Sasha, sweetheart!” Dimitri said, smiling as she came out. “You look gorgeous!”

                “Thank you,” she said, blushing. She was wearing a dress we had bought her just for today.

                She came over to me and I picked her up. She clutched her new doll in her hands as I carried her out to the car and strapped her in.

                “Off to grandma and grandpa’s!” I said with a smile as I got in the car. We were going to my parents’ house for a little since we had seen them yesterday, and then spending the majority of the day with Dimitri’s family.

                Dimitri got in the car and we drove down to my parents’ house. Thalia’s car was parked in the driveway already.

                We got out, helping Sasha out. She gripped my hand tightly as we led her into the house. We went to the living room and my parents smiled at me.

                “Theo!” they said, getting up and coming over. They both hugged me, then hugged Dimitri.

                “Merry Christmas Sasha,” mom said with a smile. “That’s a very pretty doll. Did Santa bring you that?”

                Sasha nodded, reaching out and gripping my pant leg. She peeked up at my parents shyly and held the doll so that they could see it. She looked a little afraid, as if someone was going to steal her new doll.

                “Wow! Why don’t you go show Aunt Thalia your doll?” dad said with a smile.

                Sasha nodded and tugged on my pant leg. I followed her over to where my sister and her husband were sitting, and Thalia smiled at Sasha.

                “Sasha, I love your dress!” she said.

                Sasha glanced at me and I nodded at her. She turned back to Thalia and held up her doll so Thalia could see.

                “It’s from Santa,” she said, her voice quiet. But I could hear the happiness in it.

                “How pretty!” Thalia said. “Tell me what else Santa brought you!”

                Sasha slowly released my pant leg and went over to Thalia. I turned and smiled at niece as she ran over.

                “Uncle Theo!” she said, hugging me. I lifted her up and kissed her cheek.

                “Merry Christmas Nina!” I said.

                I set her down and she ran over to Sasha. I sat with Thalia as Dimitri talked to my parents, and we talked for a little before Dimitri and I decided to head over to his parents’ house.

                “Sasha! It is time to depart, dear,” Dimitri said, holding his arms out to her.

                She went over and he picked her up. We said our goodbyes before getting back in the car and heading to Dimitri’s house.

                We went inside and Dimitri’s parents jumped up and hurried over to us, hugging us. They led us into the living room, where Galen was lounging on the couch and Alek and her husband and kids were sitting.

                Alek stood up and came over to us, smiling. She hugged Dimitri, and it made me smile to see. Things had eased between the two of them over the years.

                “Merry Christmas,” she said.

                “Same to you, dear,” Dimitri said, releasing her. “Ah! My fabulous niece and nephew!”

                Dimitri went over to greet Alek’s small children, and Alek turned to Sasha. She knelt down and smiled at the little girl.

                “Merry Christmas Sasha!” she said.

                “Merry Christmas,” Sasha mumbled back shyly. Alek smiled again before moving over to make sure Dimitri wasn’t drowning her toddler son in glitter.

                “Can we go say hi to Uncle Galen?” Sasha asked me.

                I nodded and took her hand, leading her over to Galen. He was watching Dimitri and Alek, but turned his attention to us as we came over.

                “Merry Christmas,” he said.

                “Merry Christmas Uncle Galen!” Sasha said, blushing and smiling a little.

                Galen held his arms out and she moved into them, hugging him. “Merry Christmas,” he said, kissing her cheek. He looked up at me and offered me a small smile. “Hey Theo.”

                “Hi Galen,” I said, smiling back at him. He wasn’t Dimitri’s super possessive, scary little brother anymore. He was just introverted Galen Ivanov.

                Sasha sat in Galen’s lap and he let her, securing an arm around her. I sat next to them, since I knew Sasha got nervous if she was away from me and Dimitri.

                We spent a few hours with Dimitri’s family, eating, opening more gifts, and just catching up with everyone. Sasha mostly stayed with Galen, but the quiet boy didn’t seem to mind at all.

                As it started to get late, we decided to take a sleepy Sasha home. We said goodbye to everyone before getting in the car and heading home.

                We carried Sasha up to her bedroom and tucked her in with her doll, kissing her. She smiled up at us sleepily.

                “I like Christmas,” she said, closing her eyes and curling up.

                “We like it too,” Dimitri said with a smile, tucking her in. He put an arm around my waist and we smiled down at our sleeping daughter. “Merry Christmas!” 

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