Prompt #42

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Prompt: Dimitri and Theo are in the middle of having sex and Galen and Liam makes a surprise visit, walking in on them. Would love to see all of their reactions.

A.N.- Liam is from "Can't Even Think Straight" for thoes who don't know!


                I felt great, I felt amazing, I felt pain and pleasure and love and lust and Dimitri Ivanov was inside of me and everything was perfect.

                Our bodies worked together as he kissed me passionately, and I gripped his shoulders, both of us panting and moaning. He was going furiously, and the bed was creaking with our movements.

                I thought I heard a door opening downstairs, but it was quickly pushed out of my mind as another moan left my mouth. We were here alone in our house, and only Dimitri’s brother knew where the spare key was. Galen wouldn’t come here unexpected. He wasn’t one for surprise visits. So, it was just my imagination.

                “God, I love you,” Dimitri groaned.

                My mind began to play more tricks on me as I thought I heard someone walking up the stairs. But that was impossible. We had locked the front door when we got home from work, so there’s no way someone could be in the house.

                I kissed Dimitri harder, as if that would stop my mind from playing all these tricks on me. He responded to my increased passion, earning more noises from both of us.

                But then my worst nightmares came true as the door open and I heard two surprised, choked noises. Dimitri froze as my face paled.

                I hastily pushed Dimitri away from me and scrambled to yank the covers over both of us. Dimitri laid on his back, trying to catch his breath.

                “Galen,” he said, propping up on elbows to look at his younger brother. “I was in the middle of something, dear.”

                “Yea, uh, I see that,” Galen said. He had turned his head to the side, but slowly looked back at us, relaxing now that we had the covers over us.

                I groaned and fell back, realizing that Liam O’Doherty was with him. Liam shook his head at us.

                “Damn. Galen, why don’t we do that?” he said, and Galen blushed and elbowed him roughly.

                “I’m sorry guys. We just, uh, wanted to surprise visit you,” he mumbled.

                “Not your brightest idea,” Dimitri said.

                Galen groaned and buried his face in his hands. “I’m sorry Dimmy. Wow, I didn’t want to see that.”

                “Sex is natural,” Dimitri said with a shrug.

                “Talk about polar opposites. Theo looks miserable and Dimitri is totally fine that his brother just walked in on him having sex,” Liam said, laughing.

                “I’m not shy,” Dimitri said with a grin.

                “I am,” I said miserably.

                “Now, Theodore, we’re both adults and sex is natural,” Dimitri said, kissing me.

                I groaned and buried my face against his side. He put an arm around me, and I squeezed my eyes shut, trying not to die of embarrassment that his brother and Liam had just walked in on the two of us doing that.

                “We should leave,” Galen said hastily, a blush eating up his face.

                “You came all this way. Go in the living room and we’ll be down in a few minutes, dear. Allow us to finish up and get dressed,” Dimitri said easily.

                “We’re not finishing anything,” I hissed, punching him. “Not after that!”

                “My Theodore, I’ll be finishing you,” he said with a grin, his hand dropping down.

                I shoved his hand away hastily. “Okay, okay, whatever, do what you want, just get my damn brother in law out of the room before you do anything!” I cried in despair.

                Dimitri turned to Galen and Liam and gestured at them to leave. “We’ll be joining you in the living room shortly.”

                “Your brother is a champ,” Liam said to Galen, laughing. “Still going even after being walked in on!”

                “Liam!” Galen looked as miserable as I felt. He grabbed Liam and dragged him out of the room, shutting the door.

                Dimitri turned to me and kissed. “And now, we resume.”

                “From now on, we lock the bedroom door,” I hissed.

                “Whatever pleases you,” he said, and then proceeded to please me in a different way than what I had been talking about. 

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