Prompt #23

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Prompt: little Dimitri first discovering how to do his hair. Maybe his first attempt at doing his hair with the gel and glitter!


                Five year old Dimitri watched his mother curiously. He was sitting on the edge of the bathtub as his mother did her hair.

                “Mother,” he said, and she glanced over at him.

                “Yes Dimitri?” she asked.

                “How do you make your hair look like that?” he asked, pointing at it.

                “There’s a lot of ways to style your hair. You’re a boy, so your hair is different than mine,” she said, setting her straightener down and sitting next to Dimitri. She ran a hand through his soft brown hair and smiled at him. “How about I give you some hair gel and you go experiment with your hair?”

                “Yes!” he said eagerly.

                “You can make it look fabulous,” she said with a wink, kissing his cheek and standing up.

                He jumped off the edge of the bathtub and watched as she grabbed some hair gel for him. She placed it in his hands and ruffled his hair.

                “Be careful and don’t let it get in your eyes or mouth,” she said.

                “Thank you mother,” he said and hurried out of the room.

                He paused as he passed Alek’s room and kicked the door open, going into the room. She was sitting on the floor playing with her dolls.

                “What do you want, Dimmy?” she asked curiously as he came into her room.

                “Give me your glitter,” he said.

                “Why?” she asked in confusion.

                “Because,” he said. He had seen someone with glitter in their hair on TV, and liked the way it looked. He loved anything bright or sparkly.

                “Okay.” She pushed herself off the ground and handed him her glitter.

                He left her room and went to the bathroom, shutting the door and setting the gel and glitter down. He climbed up onto the counter and eyed himself in the mirror.

                He ran his hands under the water from the sink and played with his hair for a little, trying to find out the way he wanted to style it. He smiled, deciding he liked the way it looked when it was in a spiky fohawk.

                He grabbed the gel and carefully pulled his hair up into messy spikes along the center of his head. When that was done, he grabbed a handful of glitter and sprinkled it onto his hair.

                He pouted up at his hair as he realized that he left a strand of hair hanging in his face. He flicked at it impatiently and his pout dissolved into a smile as he continued to flick it, deciding he liked that loose strand there.

                The bathroom door opened and his father stepped in. He paused and laughed as he noticed Dimitri’s messily done hair. It had way too much gel, and he had managed to get glitter all over himself.

                “You are too precious, little one,” Alexei said, moving over and brushing glitter off of Dimitri’s shoulders.

                “Father, I made my hair look fabulous,” he said proudly, pointing at it.

                “Yes you did,” Alexei said with a nod, trying not to laugh again so that he wouldn’t hurt the boy’s feelings.

                “Can I wear my hair to school like this tomorrow?” Dimitri asked eagerly.

                “You can, but only if you let me help you. You have way too much gel,” Alexei said.

                “Okay,” Dimitri said with a nod. He reached his arms out and his father lifted him up. He set Dimitri down on the floor.

                “I’m going to go show mother,” Dimitri said brightly. “I like doing my own hair. I’m good at this!”

                “You’re fantastic at it,” Alexei said, unable to help his laughter as the glittery little boy took off to go show his mother. 

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