Prompt #21

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Prompt: Hi! Can you write a prompt where Theo gets pissed off because Dimitri chose Galen over him so he decides to get closer to Galen to get back at Dimitri? Theo starts paying more attention to Galen when he visits their house and Dimitri doesn't know whether to be happy that Theo was getting close to Galen or be jealous that Galen's getting all his attention.


                “What do you mean we’re not going on our date today? We’ve had this planned for two weeks!” Theo said angrily into the phone.

                “Sorry dear. My fabulous little brother demands my attention tonight,” Dimitri said.

                “For what?” Theo demanded.

                “Why, he was upset and wants me to spend the night with him,” Dimitri said.

                “Alek can do that!” Theo said, clenching his fist.

                “Ah, but Galen requested my presence,” Dimitri said cheerfully. “Terribly sorry darling, but my wonderful brother has claimed me for the night. I shall make it up to you as soon as possible.”

                “Asshole,” Theo grumbled and hung up without waiting for a reply. He sat down on his bed, glaring at his phone. But then an idea hit him, and he grinned to himself. If he got close to Galen, it would piss off Dimitri and be the perfect way to get back at him. Dimitri cared for very few things in the world, but Galen was one of those few things.

                Theo laid back on his bed, folding his hands behind his head, a grin on his face. “Payback’s a bitch, Dimitri,” he said and closed his eyes.


                Theo walked to the living room, where Dimitri was sitting on the couch with Galen. Galen looked up at Theo with distrust in his eyes, moving closer to Dimitri.

                “Hi Galen. I heard you were upset last night. Is everything better now?” Theo asked in concern.

                Galen blinked in surprise. “Yea Theo,” he said slowly.

                “That’s good,” Theo said with a smile. “I brought you a surprise to cheer you up.”

                “Really?” Galen asked eagerly.

                “Really.” Theo’s smile grew and he held out bracelet to Galen. It had taken some mental recalling, searching around online, and a trip out to Hot Topic, but he had gotten it.

                Galen’s eyes widened as he took it from Theo. “Wow! Dimmy, look, it’s Kyo’s bracelet from Fruits Basket!” He put the bracelet on and smiled widely, jumping off the couch and throwing his arms around Theo. “Thanks Theo!”

                Theo hugged him back. “No problem! Hey, you know, you always talk about Fruits Basket but I’ve never seen it before. Do you want to watch it?”

                “Yea! Come on,” he said, grabbing Theo’s hand and leading him over to the couch. Theo sat down and Galen crawled into his lap.

                “Dimmy, set it up on the TV!” Galen said, pointing at the TV.

                “Of course dear,” Dimitri said, and Theo nearly laughed as he saw the suspicious look in Dimitri’s eyes. “Little Theodore, you’ve never shown an interest in anime. This is quite a surprise.”

                “I decided to give it a try,” Theo said with a shrug, putting an arm around Galen to hold him steady.

                They spent the rest of the day watching the show together. Galen snuggled closer to Theo, a smile on his face the whole time as he talked excitedly to Theo after every episode. Theo smiled and nodded along, trying to be as engaged as the little boy.


                Theo entered the Ivanov house and went to the living room. Galen noticed him and broke out into a huge smile, leaping out of Dimitri’s lap and running over to hug Theo.

                “Theo!” he giggled happily.

                It had been a week since Theo had taken his plan into action, and Galen had grown extremely fond of him. Dimitri watched them.

                He bit back his annoyance as Theo picked up the little boy and sat down with him. Galen had never picked anyone over Dimitri before.

                He supposed he should be happy since Galen liked Theo now, but at the same time he was a little jealous. Whenever Theo was over, Galen barely seemed to remember Dimitri’s existence.

                Ah, jealousy is so ugly. Little Theodore is simply getting back at me for canceling our date, Dimitri thought, grinning a little. Theo was good. He was very, very good.

                Dimitri also realized that this would pass eventually when Theo forgave him. He would stop trying so hard for Galen’s affections, and their relationship would eventually go back to normal when Theo was back to being close with Dimitri. Galen would feel threatened, and would stop liking Theo.

                “This is quite wonderful,” Dimitri said to Theo. “You two getting along, I mean.”

                “Want to go on a date tomorrow?” Theo asked, raising an eyebrow.

                “Nothing would please me more, little Theodore,” Dimitri said, his grin growing. Things would be back to normal before long, and Galen would be clinging to him again soon enough. 

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