Prompt #48

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Prompt: Can you do a prompt of Dimitris POV of when him and Theo first met?

A.N.- This isn't the first time they met, but it is the first time they really interract. This is Dimitri's POV on the events in chapter 2


                “This study hall is so boring,” I said, my feet in Kim’s lap as I leaned back in my chair.

                “So make it fun. You always make things fun,” Kim said.

                “Yes, yes I do,” I said with a smirk. I looked around the study hall slowly, trying to find someone to entertain myself. My eyes easily swept over my sister, who paid no attention to me. I noticed three people sitting together. One was the boy I sat next to in my English, one didn’t catch my interest, and the other was an attractive girl.

                The girl said something and got up, leaving the room. I pulled my feet off of Kim’s lap and got up, going over to the boy from my English class.

                “Excuse me?”

                He slowly looked up at me and I smirked down at him. Something in his eyes said he wasn’t a fan of me.

                “You’re the guy I sat next to last period,” I said, sitting down in front of him.

                “Yes, I am,” he said, totally neutral.

                “Did we have homework for that class?” I asked, just for some ice breaking conversation.

                “Yea. You’re supposed to finish the scene we’re on,” he said.

                “Who was that girl you were sitting with?” I asked, boring of the ice breaking conversation. I had Hamlet memorized, and had no desire to speak of homework anymore. The uninteresting boy coughed a laugh into his arm.

                “That was Thalia,” the boy I was speaking to said.

                “Thalia,” I said slowly, deciding I quite liked that name. “That’s a pretty name. Is she your girlfriend?”

                The other boy laughed, burying his face in his arm. I ignored him, only staring at the blushing boy in front of me.

                “Thalia is my sister!” he said, and I could easily see it. “Jeez, don’t you have any siblings? Can’t you tell when people look alike?”

                “Of course. I have a fabulous little brother named Galen. He looks just like me. And I have a sister, but we look nothing alike.” I smirked a little, thinking of my wonderful little brother and my oh so charming sister who was sitting just a few feet away from us.

                “Congratulations. I’m working, so can you leave me alone?” he asked, looking irritated. Ah, so his sister was a subject he didn’t like someone like me approaching. How interesting.

                “I can see how hard you’re working. It does take quite a lot of focus to make such beautiful scribbles,” I said and gestured at his paper.

                He blushed, covering it with his arm. “Did you need something?” He narrowed his eyes at me.

                “Oh calm down.” I waved my hand at this uptight boy. “Don’t get your panties in a bunch. I’m just making conversation.”

                “I don’t want to talk to you,” he said. I noticed that he was quite attractive himself, although a bit plain.

                I clicked my tongue and shook my head. “Now that’s hardly fair. You don’t even know me.”

                “I don’t want to know you. Goodbye,” he said. Oh, sassy.

                “Oh honey, everyone wants to know me,” I said, a mischievous smile coming to my face.

                “Not me,” he said and turned away from me.

                “Kimberly darling, this boy is being stubborn,” I called over my shoulder. He was quite entertaining, but I wished his pretty sister would return so I could converse with her instead.

                Kim got up and came over. She grabbed my arm, pulling me to my feet and rolling her eyes at me.

                “Sorry about him, Theo. I need to get him a leash,” she said to the boy, apparently named Theo. Him and his sister must be fraternal twins. Either that, or his parents liked names that started with “Th”.

                “Get me one of those pink collars with the spikes to go with it,” I said, pointing at my neck. I would look fabulous and fierce in one of those!

                “Just get him away from me,” Theo grumbled.

                “Such a grumpy gills. What did Kim call you? Theo?” I said.

                “That’s his name. Theo,” Kim said, and what a plain name for a plain boy.

                “As in Theodore?” I asked, imaging the chubby chipmunk. Quite a misleading image considering how thin this Theodore was.

                “Don’t call me Theodore,” he said, glaring at me. Oh dear, we’ve struck a nerve. Maybe this boy could be entertaining after all.

                “I think you’ll find that I rather enjoy full names. I’ll catch you around, little Theodore,” I said, winking at him and pulling Kim back over to our seats.

                “Dimitri,” Kim groaned. “Leave poor Theo alone.”

                “Now, would I bother little Theodore over there?” I asked with a charming smile. But inside, I smirked. Looks like I have some new entertainment. 

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