Prompt #27

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Prompt: I have a prompt! It's of Theo and Dimitri and the two go ice skating one day and Theo can't skate but Dimitri can, so Theo is very shaky and clumsy on the ice, which means Dimitri will have to help him and tach him how to skate. 


                “Ice skating. Right,” I said as I looked at the rink.

                “Have you never been before?” Dimitri asked curiously.

                “Not since I was 6 and busted my ass and started crying in front of everyone,” I said, blushing at the memory.

                “Ah,” Dimitri said, nodding in understanding. “I shall help you, darling.”

                He dragged me along and we rented out skates. Dimitri helped me tie mine on and we stood up. I wobbled uneasily and Dimitri steadied me.

                He helped me over and onto the ice. I gripped the side of the rink for dear life, terrified I was going to fall and make a fool of myself again.

                “Little Theodore, I can assure you that you’re going to fall down. But you’re not the first to fall down,” he said and gestured at a guy around our age as he slipped and landed roughly. The guy got back up, brushed the snow off his ass, and tried again.

                “I don’t want to do this,” I groaned.

                “Do you trust me?” he asked.

                “No Aladdin,” I said, gripping the wall for dear life.

                “Trust me, little Theodore,” he said, holding his hand out to me.

                I mentally groaned as I took his hand. He led me away from the wall and my legs wobbled as I slid across the ice. I stumbled, and Dimitri caught me easily. He had no trouble at all gliding over the ice gracefully.

                He released my hand and nodded at me. “Just try to skate. I want to see what needs to be corrected,” he said with an encouraging smile.

                I only took comfort in the fact that it was a quiet day here and there weren’t many people. I started moving forward, my arms out to balance myself. I wobbled unsteadily and yelped as I came off balance and fell over.

                Dimitri skated over to me and pulled me to my feet. He kissed me and gently tapped my feet apart.

                “Keep your feet like this,” he said, guiding them with his own feet until they were positioned correctly. “You’re overcompensating when you start to lose balance on one side. Don’t be so afraid when you wobble.”

                He nodded at me and I started skating again. I did a little better this time, but ended up falling over after a minute. Dimitri came back over and helped me up again.

                “That was much better!” he said brightly.

                I put my arms around his neck, my legs still wobbling. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me gently.

                “I don’t want to do this,” I said.

                “You’re doing fine for your first time skating,” he assured. “I had to teach my little brother last year, and it ended with tears, a big speech on my part, and then triumph.” He chuckled. “Do you want the big speech? I can modify for a 17 year old.”

                “No,” I said, shaking my head. “I don’t want the big speech. I want to stop ice skating.”

                He slowly pried my hands off. He took my hand in his. “Skate with my, darling,” he said, kissing my cheek and pulling me along.

                I hurried to arrange my feet the way Dimitri had showed me. I wobbled precariously, but Dimitri continued on, instructing me how to move my feet as we lapped around the rink.

                I suddenly lost my balance and let out a helpless cry as I fell over sideways, accidentally pulling Dimitri with me. I hit the ice and he slapped his palms down roughly so that he wouldn’t land right on top of me.

                “Are you okay?” I asked in concern. His palms started to bleed as he pulled them away from the ice.

                He chuckled and pulled a pack of tissues out of his jacket pocket. He skillfully wrapped a tissue around each hands to contain the bleeding.

                “I see how it is. Revenge for not letting you stop,” he said, leaning over and kissing me. He got to his feet and helped me up as well.

                “I’m really sorry,” I said, feeling bad.

                “Do not fret, little Theodore. My injuries are not life threatening. I shall live to see another day,” he said, smiling.

                I kissed him and sighed. “Thanks for helping me,” I said.

                “Shall we continue?” he offered.

                I nodded, since I knew it would make him happy. “Let’s go,” I said, taking his hand in mine and feeling the tissue pressing against my palm. I offered him a smile and shrugged as we continued on. 

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