Prompt #11

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Prompt: Theo and Dimitri are watching tv when Alek comes out. Joining them, Alek starts flirting with Theo to piss Dimitri off. Dimitri getting jealous (as Theo is reacting without meaning to) starts making out with Theo, gushing over how much he loves Theo and how happy is to be with him, before oh so kindly telling his sister to buzz off.

A.N.- Sorry if it's bad/short, I'm really tired but I wanted to write this before I went to bed :c


                “Now that’s just stupid,” I said. “Why wouldn’t he check behind the shower curtain before he did that?”

                “Not everyone is as paranoid as you, little Theodore,” Dimitri said, lazily draped over the arm of the couch.

                We were sitting in his living room, watching American Horror Story together. It was a slow, boring day. Mr. and Mrs. Ivanov had gone to Galen’s soccer game, and it was just me with the other two Ivanov siblings at the house.

                “I’m not paranoid,” I said. “I’d just, you know, check behind the shower curtain to make sure there wasn’t a murderer back there.”

                “Paranoia, darling,” Dimitri said.

                I ignored him, sliding down on the couch a little. I could hear the sound of Alek coming down the stairs and mentally groaned. Whenever she and Dimitri were in the same room, it usually consisted of him doing everything in his power to piss her off and her angrily reminding him how much she hates him.

                Alek came into the living room and sat down in the chair near us. She glanced at the TV before turning her gaze to mine.

                “What are you watching?” she asked. “Is this American Horror Story? I haven’t seen season one in forever.”

                I nodded at her. “This is American Horror Story,” I said.

                “Season one is quite fascinating. Season two is alright. And season three is…well, I’m hoping for better in season four,” Dimitri said.

                “You should wear black more often, Theo. It really brings out your eyes. You usually just wear gray,” Alek said, ignoring Dimitri’s existence. I glanced at him, knowing that he didn’t like to be ignored by anyone.

                “Thanks,” I said, my eyes returning to Alek. “Your hair looks really nice today. I like it wavy.”

                She smiled at me. “Thank you. I decided to do something new with it today.”

                “And how fabulous that worked out for you Aleksandra,” Dimitri said.

                “Hey Theo, do you think you could help me with my economics homework later? If you’re not busy,” she said.

                “Sure,” I said with a shrug.

                “Great. Anytime you’re free tonight, stop by my room,” she said, blushing a little. She looked up at me, her eyes shining. “Economics might be a little boring, but I think we can make it fun again.”

                I found color rising in my own cheeks as I recalled our kissing in her room. “Uh…yea,” I said and cleared my throat. “Fun is…good.” Now I couldn’t stop picture our kissing, or all those times I had snuck glances of Alek to admire how beautiful she truly was. All the Ivanov children were attractive. Alek was beautiful, Dimitri was sexy, and Galen would no doubt be even more attractive than Dimitri when he grew up since he probably wouldn’t be so wildly flamboyant.

                Alek was wearing jeans and a nice top that complimented her body well. She always managed to look good without seeming to try. My eyes drank in her appearance, the light blush growing on her face, and the look in her eyes that said her mind was on anything but economics.

                I jumped a little as an arm slid around my waist. I blushed harder, having momentarily forgotten that Dimitri was right next to me. I peeked over at him in embarrassment, and I was surprised to see a certain amount of jealousy in his frosty eyes.

                “Dear, if you wanted a fun time, you could’ve just said so,” he said, a smirk coming to his face.

                He tilted my chin up and connected our lips. I kissed him back, all thoughts of Alek wiped from my mind as our lips worked together.

                Dimitri parted my lips with practiced ease. His tongue brushed against mine, and I granted it access to my mouth, letting it dance around, flicking against it with my own tongue. Dimitri’s hand curled into my hair and I put my arms around his neck, pulling him closer.

                He broke away, pressing his forehead against mine, looking into my eyes. “I love you little Theodore,” he said, loud enough that I knew Alek could hear. “I’m so pleased that I get the honor of calling you my wonderful boyfriend.” He pecked my lips. “I love you.”

                “I love you too,” I said, trying not to blush harder. I was with Dimitri. I shouldn’t be having thoughts of Alek when I was dating Dimitri.

                “You make me so happy,” he said, kissing me again, pulling away to catch my bottom lip with his teeth, nibbling on it playfully. “I’ve never been this happy before. Darling, you’re perfect. I love you, little Theodore, more than you could believe.”

                Dimitri turned so that he was facing Alek, keeping his arms around me securely. Alek was watching us, her face paling, hate in her eyes as they met her brother’s.

                “Why don’t you buzz off Aleksandra?” Dimitri suggested cheerfully. “My wonderful boyfriend and I are trying to enjoy TV together.”

                Alek stood up, shooting a dirty look at him. “You’re always such an asshole, Dimitri,” she said before storming out of the room.

                Dimitri pulled me close, kissing me. “I do love you little Theodore,” he said, resting his head on my shoulder.

                I couldn’t help but smile at him. Yes, he was an asshole to his sister. But him getting jealous over me and her showed me how much he cared. I kissed his temple before turning my attention back to the TV, the smile staying on my face. 

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