Prompt #33

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Prompt: dimitri and theo take little sasha to the park to play with other kids but they're not sure she's going to make friends and then a girl comes and decides to play with sasha and they become friends making dimitri and theo happy

A.N.- This is based off the prompt where Dimitri and Theo adopt a little girl (prompt #31 I believe?) just so there's no confusion :)


                “Ready to go to the park?” Dimitri asked cheerfully as I finished braiding Sasha’s hair.

                She had been living with us for a few months, and slowly getting a little better. We were taking her to the park to play with other kids today. She had to start school soon since summer was coming to an end, and we wanted to make sure she’d be comfortable with other kids.

                Sasha nodded and stood up, gripping my hand tightly. She had become so attached to me and Dimitri. She hated to be away from us.

                “It’ll be fun,” I assured her with a smile as I led her out of the house.

                We buckled her into the car before climbing in. Dimitri drove us down to the park and we got out of the car together, helping Sasha out.

                “I’m not sure about this Dimitri,” I mumbled so that only he could hear. Sasha was clinging to my hand again as we walked towards the play set. There were a few other kids laughing and running around together.

                “I’m not sure either, but we have to try,” Dimitri mumbled back, kissing my cheek. “Besides, how could any not fall in love with this charming little darling?!” he said cheerfully, lightly tugging on Sasha’s braid.

                She gave him a nervous smile, her grip on my hand tightening. We approached the play set and Sasha continued to cling to my hand.

                “Do you want to play with the other kids?” I offered.

                She shook her head. Her eyes fell to the swings and she looked up at me. “Swing?”

                “Sure, swing,” I said, forcing a smile. God, I was so worried about her. She got so scared of other people.

                We led her over to the swings and she gripped the chains. “Hold on tight sweetheart,” Dimitri said before beginning to push her. Dimitri grinned as she giggled. “Want an under-dog?”

                “Yea!” she said and squealed happily as Dimitri rushed under the swing.

                “Man, if I tried to do that, I’d knock my head off,” I said.

                “You don’t have the talent, my Theodore,” he said, kissing me and continuing to push Sasha.

                “I wanna stop,” she said after a few minutes.

                Dimitri caught her and pulled her off of the swing, setting her on the ground with a smile. She looked over at the play set nervously but turned away from it, burying her face against Dimitri’s leg.


                We looked up as a little girl came bounding over from the play set. She stopped and smiled at Sasha as Sasha peeked away from Dimitri’s leg.

                “Do you want to come play with me?” the little girl asked eagerly. She pointed at a slide that twisted around. “We can go down the slide there! It goes really fast!”

                Sasha looked up at us and we gave her encouraging smiles, nodding. She slowly stepped away from Dimitri and looked at the girl shyly, nodding.

                “S-Sure,” she said.

                Sasha and the other girl went over to the slide together. I took Dimitri’s hand in mine and we smiled as we watched her play. She kept looking over at us every couple of minutes to make sure we were still there.

                “She’ll be just fine,” Dimitri said, squeezing my hand.

                “She’s come a long way,” I said with a nod.

                “Maybe someday we can adopt another,” Dimitri said. “Although I don’t think anyone could capture my heart quite like our fabulous daughter has.”

                I smiled. “I’m happy with our daughter for now.”

                After about an hour or two, Sasha came back over to us with the little girl. They both had smiles on their faces.

                “This is my friend,” Sasha said, blushing. “Her name is Lily!”

                “I have to go now Sasha, but you should come play again tomorrow!” Lily said happily.

                Sasha looked up at us. “Can I?” she asked nervously.

                “Of course you can!” I said happily, so thrilled she had made a friend.

                “See you tomorrow Sasha!” Lily said, waving and hurrying over to a woman waiting for her.

                “I made a friend,” Sasha said to us, looking as happy as Dimitri and I felt.

                “And we are thrilled for you,” Dimitri said, bending down and kissing her cheek. He straightened up and took my hand again. “We are so thrilled, sweetheart!” I smiled and nodded in absolute agreement, so happy for Sasha. 

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