Prompt #3

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Prompt: Can you do one where there's a thunderstorm and Dimitri and Theo are cuddling in his room, and then Galen runs in scared and they have to take care for him because their parents aren't there. :P

I wasn't going to start on prompts until tomorrow but...I COULDN'T RESIST THIS ONE I LOVE GALEN I HAD TO DO IT AND I REGRET NOTHING.


                A low rumble echoed outside of Dimitri’s window. I glanced over lazily, looking at the dark sky outside as rain hammered down.

                “Will your power go out if it starts storming really bad?” I asked him.

                “Possibly,” he said. He was currently digging around in search of a clean shirt since he had managed to spill sauce al down the front of the one he had been wearing earlier.

                “Your mom is right. You’re a messy eater,” I said, rolling over onto my side and watching him.

                “Well, I had to have some flaw. Otherwise I’d be too perfect to be real,” he said, pulling on a bright pink shirt with black jewels on the arms.

                “That doesn’t match your pants,” I said. I sighed. “Why do I even bother? The other shirt didn’t match your pants either.”

                “Are you jealous of my fabulous style?” he asked, flicking his bangs out of his eyes.

                “Style? You look like a rainbow threw up on you,” I said.

                “I wear rainbow puke very well,” he said, diving next to me on his bed.

                He pulled me into his arms, kissing me. I sighed and rested my head on his chest, loving the feel of his arms around me.

                The thunder outside was gradually getting louder. I closed my eyes as the rain beat against the windows. It was comforting.

                “You like falling asleep to storms, little Theodore?” Dimitri asked curiously.

                I nodded, not bothering to open my eyes. “Thalia and I used to eat popsicles and watch storms with our parents. Our mom would take us back to our room after and sing us to sleep. Storms always remind me of that. They comfort me.”

                Dimitri chuckled. “I wasn’t a big fan of storms when I was a child. My mother would sit in my room and sing to me to sleep. She would also put a loud fan in my room so that the noise of the fan could block out the noise of the storm.”

                “I can’t imagine you afraid of anything,” I said, finally opening my eyes to look up at Dimitri. I tried to picture him as a small child, jumping at the sound of thunder and crying out for his mom.

                “We’re all children at one point, and children get frightened,” he said and kissed me.

                I smiled and closed my eyes again, curling up against Dimitri. He pulled a blanket over us, holding me to himself, running a hand through my hair.

                A loud roar of thunder shattered the steady beat of the rain. Dimitri chuckled, the sound vibrating his chest under my head, making me smile even more.

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