Prompt #2

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Prompt: can you do one of when Its Dmitri's birthday and theo doesn't know what to get him:)?

Requested by Broken_Clocks!


                “Hey Dimitri,” I greeted as he came up to me in school.

                “Hello little Theodore,” he said cheerfully, kissing me.

                “Dimitri, do me a favor. Go fill up my water bottle,” Kim said, handing him an empty water bottle.

                Dimitri took it from her and offered her a bow. “I am forever at your service, Kimberly darling.”

                He turned and walked off towards the nearest water fountain. Kim spun to me and grinned at me.

                “So, what did you get him for his birthday?” she asked.

                I blinked in surprise. “What?”

                “Dimitri’s birthday! It’s tomorrow!” she said.

                “I know that,” I said. I was going to his house to hang out with him tomorrow.

                “So what did you get him?” she repeated.

                “Uh…nothing,” I said, suddenly nervous. “Oh shit. I didn’t get him anything for his birthday! Kim, what should I get him?!”

                “Hell if I know,” she said with a shrug. “Dimitri never asks for anything. His mom gets him all of his clothes and accessories from her work. His parents buy him art supplies. He doesn’t like getting money from people. He will literally sneak the money back into your pocket. Believe me, I tried to give him money from his 11th and 12th birthdays and found it in my pocket when I got home.”

                “What did you get him?” I asked, starting to feel hopeless.

                “I’ve made him a bracelet every year since we met. It’s  kind of a birthday tradition,” she said, pulling a handmade bracelet out of her pocket and holding it up for me to see.

                “I have no idea what to get for him,” I groaned.

                “You’ll think of something,” she assured, patting my back.

                Dimitri came back over to us, handing Kim her water bottle. She thanked him and left to go to her locker.

                Dimitri turned to me. “Why do you look so hopeless?” he asked.

                “Because I’m dating you,” I said. What the hell was I supposed to get him for his birthday?!

                “Oh, harsh,” he said, smirking. He put his arm around my waist, drawing me closer to himself.

                I pushed him off of me. “I have to go find Thalia. I’ll see you in study hall,” I said and hurried away from him.

                I managed to find Thalia and Oliver walking through the hallways together. I grabbed Thalia’s arm, spinning her around to face me.

                “Help! I have no idea what to get Dimitri for his birthday tomorrow!” I cried and quickly recapped what Kim had told me.

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