Prompt #14

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Prompt: Okay, so how about when Galen is just starting middle school and he's scared that he's gonna get lost or something so dimitri brings him on the first day and Galen's sorta freaking out and Dimitri calms him down and tells him that everything is going to be okay?


                “Are you ready for your first day of middle school Galen?” dad asked brightly.

                “Yea,” I said, though that was a complete lie. I was terrified. The middle school was so big. I was going to get lost!

                “Guess who’s bringing you,” Dimitri said, appearing in the kitchen with a grin.

                “Dimitri!” I said in surprise. He and Theo had gotten an apartment together last year, so I wasn’t used to seeing him in the house anymore.

                “Just for you dear,” he said with a wink, swinging his car keys around his finger. “Ready to go?”

                I nodded at him. Mom came out and smiled at me, giving me a one-armed hug. She glanced between me and Dimitri, her smile growing.

                “You look exactly like your brother did when he was 12,” she said. She laughed and gave Dimitri an affectionate look. “Except he wore bright pink pants on his first day of middle school.”

                “And what an impression I made,” Dimitri said cheerfully. “Now come on Galen, before we’re late.”

                “You telling someone not to be late?” Dad laughed. “There’s something I never thought I’d hear. Please try to get him there on time, Dimitri.”

                “Bye Galen. Have a good first day,” mom said as I slung my backpack over my shoulder and followed Dimitri out of the door.

                “Where’s Theo?” I asked as we got in the car.

                “Little Theodore’s at work. I took the morning off so I could bring you to school,” he said, pulling out of the driveway. “Father was a bit concerned that you were nervous.”

                “I’m not nervous,” I lied, looking out of the window.

                But then my mind conjured up the big building. It was so much bigger than the elementary school. There was no way I was ever going to find my way around that building.

                I reached up, playing my hair, suddenly terrified. What if I got lost? What if the teachers were mean? What if I didn’t know anyone in my classes?

                Dimitri pulled into the parking lot, putting the car in park. I stared up at the building in terror. It looked even bigger than I remembered.

                “Dimmy I don’t want to go,” I said, sinking down in the seat. Dimitri looked over at me curiously. I rarely called him Dimmy.

                “Galen, let me tell you something that I’ve learned in my 22 years of life,” Dimitri said. “Well, a few things actually. The first is that taxes suck. The second is that rainbow suspenders are not socially acceptable at business meetings. And the third is that people get scared of things that they shouldn’t.”

                He leaned over, putting an arm around my shoulders and smiling pleasantly at me. I glanced at the school nervously.

                “I went to middle school here, and I can assure you that I did take a wrong turn and get permanently lost,” he said. “It’s very easy to navigate around there.”

                “I’m going to get lost, and I’m not going to know anyone,” I said quietly.

                “My words fly up, my thoughts remain below; words without thoughts never to heaven go,” Dimitri said.

                “Quoting Hamlet doesn’t help,” I said.

                “You’re speaking without thinking,” he said, poking my forehead lightly. “Teachers will be more than happy to help you find your way around. And you have plenty of friends, dear. I can guarantee you’ll know someone in your classes.”

                “What if I don’t like it?” I mumbled.

                He pulled me closer. “If you don’t like, simply drop out. We can go to Hollywood and be famous actors together. I shall give up my boyfriend and my job for it,” he said.

                I laughed a little. “Okay, okay. I’ll give it a try,” I said.

                “I can promise you that you’ll be just fine.” He reached in his pocket and pulled out his cell phone, placing it into my hands. “Take this, and if you need me, call little Theodore’s number. I may have borrowed his phone this morning.” He tapped his back pocket, where I could see the shape of another cell phone.

                “You’re the best brother,” I said gratefully, putting his cell phone in my pocket, feeling a little better. Even if things did go wrong, I could always just call Dimitri.

                “I’m quite fabulous, I know,” he said, grinning. He ruffled my hair and gestured at me to get out of the car. “Now go forth and seize the day!”

                I looked at the building, which didn’t look quite as big anymore. I took a deep breath and pushed open the door of the car.

                “Bye Dimitri,” I said.

                “Goodbye dear. Have a wonderful first day. Everything will work out just fine,” he said, smiling at me.

                I returned the smile and shut the door. I could feel the comforting weight of his cell phone in my pocket, and knew that today wouldn’t be as bad as I had originally thought. 

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