Prompt #44

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Prompt: Can you do one where Theo and Dimitri never got back together?


                “Last day of school,” Oliver said in relief as we sat in English class.

                Mrs. Slate had separated me and Dimitri upon Dimitri’s request. I now sat next to Oliver, and Dimitri sat next to some kid I didn’t really know.

                Thalia came over to us and sat on my desk. “School is almost over!” she squealed. “I’m so happy!”

                “Off to college we go,” I said, staring out of the window, doing anything not to look at Dimitri.

                The bell rang and we gathered our stuff and went to study hall. We all sat down together, and everyone around us was excited because this was the last period of our entire high school lives.

                I finally gave in and peeked over at Dimitri.

                He was sitting with Kim and they were talking. Kim looked excited, and Dimitri had a smug smirk on his face.

                He had dressed normal for about two weeks before slowly converting back to his flamboyance. Something told me it was just an act, but as time went on, it got harder to tell if it was or not.

                I had heard stories of Dimitri sleeping around more than ever. Kim confirmed those stories for me, telling me that Dimitri was just trying to get his mind off of our relationship, and that she had been trying to stop him from having so much sex.

                Eventually she had succeeded, and Dimitri’s sex habits dulled. Dimitri hadn’t been in another relationship since our breakup.

                “Hi Theo,” Alek said, coming over to me. She had apologized to me multiple times for her brother outing me.

                “Hey Alek,” I said. She was a nice girl once you got to know her. I knew she had reasons other than his flamboyance for hating Dimitri. They were things I had been willing to overlook if he would’ve just let us get back together.

                She sat down next to me. “I saw you looking at him,” she said, her voice low so that Thalia and Oliver couldn’t hear her. “It’s better if you just try to forget about him. He’s trying to forget about you.”

                I winced and nodded. “I know. I’m trying,” I said quietly.

                “Text me sometime. Let’s hang out over the summer,” she said, offering me a smile.

                I forced a smile. “Yea, sure. I’ll text you,” I promised her. I just wouldn’t go to her house.

                “Great,” she said, her smile growing as she got up and went back over to her friends.

                “Theo, this is your last chance,” Thalia said, moving next to me. “At least go say goodbye to Dimitri.”

                “He doesn’t want to talk to me,” I said. I had tried so hard to move on for him. As months went on, I knew I would move on eventually, but it was a slow process.

                “Just go say goodbye. I know you, and you’ll regret it if you don’t,” she said with a frown.

                I nodded and got up. I slowly made my way over to where Dimitri and Kim were sitting. Kim glanced up at me, and Dimitri slowly dragged his gaze up to me.

                “Theo,” he said.

                “Hey,” I said, awkwardly shoving my hands in my pockets. “I just wanted to say…have a good summer, Dimitri. Maybe text me sometime.”

                “I apologize, but I don’t believe I’ll be texting you,” he said. “It’s better if we just don’t talk after school. But I do hope you have a fantastic summer. And I hope college treats you well. Perhaps you’ll meet someone.” He forced a smile.

                “I’m sorry about everything Dimitri,” I said, dropping my gaze.  

                “We are not ending this on bad terms, Theo,” he said. “I apologize if I gave that impression. It’s just better this way. Do not dwell on a high school relationship that wasn’t working out. Move on. Be happy. I want you to be happy.”

                “I want you to be happy too, Dimitri,” I whispered. “I hope you find someone who loves you with everything they have.”

                I didn’t want to lose him. But he had made it clear that we were done. None of my attempts had worked.

                Finally, his dad had called me one day, begging me to just leave Dimitri alone. Telling me how my attempts were only hurting Dimitri more.

                So I had texted Dimitri, telling him that I still loved him but I was giving up on trying to get back together so that I wouldn’t hurt him anymore.

                I turned away from Dimitri and went back to Thalia and Oliver. Thalia and Oliver talked happily about graduation until the final bell rang. Everyone in the room let out triumphant cheers as they jumped up and hurried out of the room. I noticed that Dimitri and I didn’t, though.

                “Have a good summer,” I said to Dimitri as I passed him.

                “You too, Theo. Have a good future,” he said before leaving the room, leaving me with those words and nothing but his retreating figure to cling to, knowing that we were truly over for good and it was time for me to try to move on.

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