Prompt #5

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Prompt: You should do a prompt where Dimitri has a sore throat and is not allowed to talk. It is like his weapon so I wonder how that would turn out. Either he still can "annoy" Theo or he is utterly defeted. :3

A.N.- THIS WAS SO MUCH FUN. I never imagined what Dimitri would be like if he couldn't talk. I hope this is enjoyable :3


                I rang the doorbell and Mr. Ivanov answered. “Hello Theo,” he greeted, allowing me into the house. I followed him through to the kitchen, where Alek was sharing an orange with Galen.

                “Hey Theo,” she said, a bright smile on her face.

                “You’re in a good mood,” I said cautiously.

                She laughed. “Obviously my dad didn’t tell you. Dimitri is sick. He has a sore throat, and my parents told him he’s not allowed to talk. Not that that would really stop him, but he can’t even talk if he wants to,” she said cheerfully.

                “Aleksandra, have a little pity for him. He’s your little brother and he’s sick,” Mrs. Ivanov said, rolling her eyes.

                “He can still hang out with you,” Mr. Ivanov said. “But my wife and I did tell him that he’s not allowed to talk.”

                “I think you should forbid him from talking more often,” Alek said, peeling an orange and handing it to Galen.

                “Oh, Dimitri’s not that bad,” Mr. Ivanov said.

                “Dad,” she said and raised an eyebrow at him. “Even you know he gets on your nerves.”

                “He only gets on my nerves when you two are fighting,” he said with a shrug. “But that’s both of you. I think you just need to spend a little more time with your brother. He’s not as bad as you think. Right Theo?”

                “Oh, he’s annoying,” I said. “I’ve just learned to tolerate it. Anyways, I’m going to go enjoy his silence.”

                Mr. Ivanov sighed. “Dimitri is not that bad,” he said and went over to get himself some water.

                I went upstairs and let myself into Dimitri’s bedroom. He looked up from the book he was reading and grinned, motioning me over.

                “I was told that you’re not allowed to talk,” I said, sitting next to him. “By the way, I’m not kissing you on the lips. I am not getting sick!”

                He opened his mouth and tried to say something, but all that came out was raspy croaking noise. He shut his mouth and pouted, slight frustration in his eyes.

                I started laughing, unable to help myself. Almost his entire personality relied on the way he spoke, and now he couldn’t talk. Oh, this would be interesting.

                “Sorry, sorry,” I said, noticing that his pout had deepened. “It’s just…now I can go a day without you annoying me.”

                He raised an eyebrow at me and pulled out his phone. He texted for a minute and grinned at me as my phone buzzed. I opened the message and groaned.

                Are you sure about that, little Theodore?

                “Yes,” I said, putting my phone away. “Because if you can’t talk, you’re like a helpless little boy.”

                He pushed me back on his bed and pinned my arms down. He grinned before moving in to kiss my lips.

                “No!” I cried, not wanting to get sick. I turned my head in time so that his lips met my cheek. I struggled to get away from him, but he held me down firmly.

                “Dimitri Mikhail Ivanov, release me!” I said sternly. “Or I will never hang out with you again!”

                His shoulders shook as he tried to laugh. He rolled off of me and pulled me into his arms. I relaxed. At least he was giving up on trying to annoy m-

                “HEY!” I glared at him and smacked his hand away as he poked me in the side. He had a childish grin on his face as he began to poke at my sides.

                “Dimitri!” I grumbled in frustration. Okay, the guy was a nightmare even when he couldn’t talk like a flamboyant Shakespearian man.

                He made a W with his fingers and held it up to his forehead. Then he made an L and held it up to my forehead, looking triumphant.

                “You are way too proud of the fact that you’re obnoxious,” I said, shoving his hand away from my forehead.

                But then I mentally grinned. I could beat Dimitri at this. I could show him that he didn’t always get on my nerves.

                “You know, I’m pretty tired. You’re sick so I’m sure you are too,” I said. He shook his head wildly, pointing over at an empty coffee cup on his nightstand. I hid my smile. “Oh, well, I’m tired. I’m just going to take a nap. You’re boring when you can’t talk.”

                I laid down and closed my eyes, preparing myself. Just like I had expected, Dimitri began to poke me. I bit the inside of my cheek and endured it. Apparently giving up with that, he began to shake me as I pretended to have fallen asleep.

                He finally stopped. After giving it another few minutes, I peeked an eye open. It took everything I had not to die of laughter at Dimitri’s expression.

                He had a pout on his face and a defeated look in his eyes. He was rubbing his throat, as if he hoped that would give him his voice back.

                “Are you done being brat?” I asked him.

                He jumped in surprise and looked down at me. He frowned and pointed at his throat, wincing as he swallowed.

                I sat up and kissed his cheek. “I was just kidding, Dimitri. Trust me, voice or no voice, you’re never boring,” I said.

                He smiled joyfully and wrapped an arm around my waist. I sighed and smiled at him. He wasn’t the same when he couldn’t talk, but he tried.

                “I almost hope you get your voice back soon,” I said.

                He nodded in agreement. But then a mischievous grin appeared on his face, and I realized I was going to regret saying that as soon as his voice was back.

                “You’re a nightmare,” I groaned.

                He kissed my cheek and resumed rubbing his throat, his grin getting wider. I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder, deciding to enjoy the silence while it lasted, because I knew that with Dimitri, it wouldn’t last long. 

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