Prompt #6

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Prompt: Dimitri and Theo have a date planned but have it canceled by a snowstorm. After the snowstorm passes Galen begs Dimitri to go outside and play with him. When they get outside Dimitri teaches Galen how to make a snowball. Once understood Galen pelts Theo with snowballs.


                “I can’t believe I’m stuck with you,” I grumbled.

                “You were going to be stuck with me anyways,” Dimitri pointed out.

                “Whatever,” I said, glaring out the window at the calming snowstorm. It had acted up as I got near Dimitri’s house to pick him up for a date, and snowed so hard that we now couldn’t leave the house. I would probably be stuck here overnight.

                “We can spend time together!” Dimitri said cheerfully, slipping an arm around my waist.

                “I don’t want to spend time with you!” I said miserably.

                “Little Theodore, most people would kill for the chance to be snowed in with me,” he said, smirking. He nodded towards his bed and dropped a wink. “Anything can happen.”

                “Yea, like me punching you in the face,” I said, shoving him away from myself.

                He caught me as I moved towards the door and pulled me into his arms. I sighed and kissed him, looking out of the window longingly. I liked the simple dates I went on with Dimitri. I wanted to be out eating dinner and listening to him quoting Hamlet. I didn’t want to be snowed in with his scary father, his jealous brother, and his pissed off sister.

                “I enjoy the snow,” he said, smiling out at the white blanket covering the world.              

                “You’re Russian,” I reminded.

                “But I wasn’t raised in Russia. I was raised here,” he reminded.

                I snuggled against him since I was cold. “Have your parents ever heard of heat?”

                “The heat takes a while to kick on in my room. It’s tragic, but I think we’ll survive,” he said, wrapping his arms around me. He was warm, I’d give him that.

                “Dimmy!” Galen cried, running into the room. “Dimmy! Dimmy!”

                “Yes dear?” Dimitri asked.

                Galen glared at me before looking up at Dimitri hopefully. “Will you come play outside with me?”

                “We’d be honored,” Dimitri said, kissing my cheek.

                “I don’t have snow stuff!” I whined.

                “I’ll let you borrow some, darling,” he said, releasing me and moving into his closet.

                Galen cheered. “I’ll meet you down stairs!” he said and ran out of the room.

                Dimitri let me borrow a pair of snow pants and a jacket. Considering the fact that my boyfriend was taller than a skyscraper, the pants dragged on the floor as I walked and my hands were lost in the sleeves of the jacket.

                “Let’s go!” he said after letting me borrow gloves and a scarf. I mentally sighed. I looked like Dimitri. Fuck my life.

                Following him in the bright yellow snow pants and polka dot jacket he had lent me, we went downstairs. Dimitri’s mother, helping Galen into his snow pants, nearly laughed when she saw me.

                “I see Dimitri let you borrow some of his old snow clothes,” she said, disguising her laugh as a cough.

                “How do you dress like this all the time? It’s embarrassing!” I said, glaring at Dimitri.

                “It’s fabulous!” he said with a bright smile. “You needed color in your life!”

                “Oh shut up,” I said, rolling my eyes.

                “There, you’re all set to go out!” Mrs. Ivanov said, kissing Galen’s cheek and standing up. “Dimitri, keep an eye on Galen, and stay away from the road. And bring him inside if his face gets too red.”

                Dimitri took Galen’s hand in his and we went outside into the cold snow. Galen released Dimitri’s hand and fell to the ground, moving his arms and legs to make a snow angel.

                Dimitri rolled up a snowball and tossed it playfully at Galen. Galen giggled as it hit his jacket and stood up.

                “Show me!” he said eagerly.

                “It’s simple, dear. Just take a handful of snow and roll it,” Dimitri said, demonstrating for his little brother.

                I watched in amusement as Galen attempted to roll a snowball. Dimitri patiently helped the boy until he had rolled a nice, neat snowball.

                I looked up at the sky. It was snowing lightly now, and I just hoped it had cleared up enough for me to get home tomorr-


                I let out a yell and stumbled backwards as a snowball introduced itself to my face. I turned and glared at Dimitri. He smiled pleasantly and pointed down at Galen.

                “I’ve taught him well,” he said, fondly patting Galen’s head.

                Galen rolled another snowball and chuckled it at me. I yelped and covered my face. Galen giggled and began to roll more snowballs.

                “I hate the Ivanov family. I hate all of you,” I groaned miserably as Galen began to chuck snowballs at me with surprising accuracy.

                I darted around the yard, trying to avoid the tiny menace as he chased me. He let out joyful laughs and victory cheers every time he hit me in the face with a snowball.

                “You’re the devil!” I yelled at him before ducking behind Dimitri.

                Dimitri rolled up a snowball and smashed it against my face. I shoved him so that he fell and tripped, landing on top of him.

                Dimitri wrapped his arms around me and kissed me. “One last kiss before I allow my wonderful brother to kill you with snowballs,” he said.

                Galen ran over and pelted both of us with snowballs. I groaned and hid my face against Dimitri’s chest, waiting until the damn kid got tired.

                “I hate snow!” I cried when Galen had finally stopped.

                “I love it,” Galen said, giving me a smirk similar to his brother’s. He bent down and rolled another snowball. “Round two!”

                I groaned, smacking Dimitri when he laughed. As Galen bent down to gather more snow, I mentally cursed my life and prepared to run away as fast as possible. 

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