Prompt #24

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Prompt: Hi could you do a prompt for outside the lines where Theo and Dimitri do some bet with Oliver and Thalia and they lose so they have to go to school dressed like each other (and since Theo is smaller Dimitri can barely fit his clothes and Theo has to do everything, like dye his hair and the whole shabang XD)

A.N.- I'M SORRY I DIDN'T SEE THAT YOU WANTED IT IN DIMITRI'S POV UNTIL I GOT TO THE PART WHERE KIM IS TALKING. So I'm sorry about that D: But! A lot of people asked for roughly this same thing (the bet where they dress like each other) but the detail with this was my favorite (Theo's clothes not fitting Dimitri and Theo doing his hair and whatnot) so I hope you all enjoy!


                “A bet?” I asked in surprised.

                “Oh, good. I love bets!” Dimitri said cheerfully. “That’s how I first got to kiss my little Theodore!”

                “Shut up,” I said, hitting him in the arm. “What kind of bet?”

                Thalia and Oliver grinned as they looked at us from the other couch, video game controllers in their hands. “Any terms you want on your side,” Thalia said.

                I glanced at Dimitri and smirked. “If we win, Oliver has to be Dimitri’s slave for the rest of the school year, and Thalia has to be my slave for the rest of the school year,” I said.

                “That sounds fantastic! I could use a good slave. It’d give the background character something useful to do,” Dimitri said happily.

                “We’re not losing,” Oliver said to Thalia in horror.

                “We won’t,” Thalia assured, patting his head. She turned to us. “Deal. But if we win, you two have to go to school dressed like each other. And I mean the whole thing. Theo has to do the fohawk and Dimitri has to wear his hair its natural color.”

                “Deal,” Dimitri said, smirking. “But we’re not losing, so it won’t be an issue.”

                “We better not lose,” I said, just as horrified as Oliver.

                “Let’s start,” Thalia said, and started our video game.

                We played against each other, and Dimitri and I were doing well. Oliver seemed to go into a panic attack as we got him down to one remaining life, and fought back harder, taking out two of my lives and one of Dimitri’s before Dimitri finally killed his character.

                “Just you Thalia,” I said smugly.

                “I am a pro at video games,” she reminded as she easily killed off Dimitri and then me.

                “Did we just lose,” I asked, the controller falling from my hands.

                “Yes, you did,” Thalia said, grinning. “Go pick out an outfit for Dimitri and he’ll pick out one for you.”

                I groaned miserably, falling against Dimitri. He put an arm around me and kissed me.

                “It won’t be that bad!” he said, chuckling.

                I went upstairs and Dimitri followed me. I glanced at him and shrugged, deciding to make him look as attractive as possible.

                But then I realized that I was dating a damn skyscraper, and he probably wouldn’t fit in most of my clothes. I glared at him.

                “You need to shrink,” I said.

                “I cannot do that. Therefore, it’s an issue we must work around,” he said, lazily dropping onto my bed and watching me with a curious look.

                I sighed and grabbed my longest pair of jeans, tossing them at Dimitri. I grabbed a gray long-sleeved shirt and tossed it to him as well.

                “Ta-da,” I said. “Just wear black sneakers or something.”

                “My turn,” he said, sitting up. I sighed miserably as I followed him out of the house. We got in his car and drove back to his house, leading me up to his bedroom.

                “Hm…” he dug around and produced a pair of green skinny jeans, tossing them to me. “There, those should fit you. And, ah, this will look fabulous on you!” He pulled out a hot pink tank top and a purple jacket, throwing them at me. He grabbed his hair gel and handed it to me as well.

                “Enjoy, darling,” he said, winking and kissing me.

                “I hate you. Bring me home,” I said with a sigh. We went out and got back into his car. I stared out of the window, hating my devil of a sister and dreading tomorrow.


                “Stop laughing,” I snarled as Thalia as we entered the school the next day. She and my parents had died of laughter at breakfast. I had used Dimitri’s gel and it had died my hair purple as I pulled it up into his stupid fohawk.

                “Oh my god,” Thalia said, her laughter cutting off and her eyes going wide.

                I looked over and my mouth dropped open. Dimitri strut over to us with Kim trailing behind him.

                “You look fabulous,” Dimitri said, kissing me.

                “You look…oh my god. Why haven’t we fucked yet?” I asked, eyeing him appreciatively.

                My jeans were a little tight on him, as was my shirt. But it made him look more muscular. His hair was lying normally and he looked nothing like himself. His hair hid his piercings, so only his nose ring was visible. Goddamn, he was sexy.

                “My parents and siblings were quite shocked when I came downstairs this morning,” he said curiously.

                “Would your sister talk to you?” I asked.

                Dimitri chuckled. “She despises me for several reasons, and my appearance is not of the most importance to her, believe it or not.”

                “OH MY GOD!”

                I spun around, my face heating up as Oliver burst into laughter at the sight of me. He game over, wiping at his eyes.

                “Oh my fucking god. There are sparkles in your hair!” he said, pointing and laughing all over again. “Theo, you look like an idiot!”

                “The background character with minimal appearance detail insults me and my boyfriend at the same time,” Dimitri said, smirking. “How rude.”

                “You’re crazy. You also look really normal,” Oliver said, staring at Dimitri in shock.

                “He looks really hot,” Kim said, laughing.

                “Theo doesn’t,” Oliver said, and they all started laughing at me.

                My face heated up again and I took Dimitri’s hand in mine. “No more bets!” I snapped and dragged him away so I could suffer through the day and get this over with. 

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