Prompt #12

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Prompt: What if it's his birthday! And he's turning 17? And Dimi a d Theo surprise him? (this is a prompt for an older Galen XD)

A.N.- Okay, so I hope you like this :D I just picture Galen as growing up to be kind of a quiet teen, who really opens up for his family c: Plus a little something extra sprinkled in here that some people might pick up on<3 ;) Hope you enjoy this!


                “Galen, what are you doing for your birthday?” my friend, Liam, asked me as we shut our lockers.

                I shrugged at him. “I don’t know. I think my parents are just making me my favorite dinner, and we’re going to have some cake and whatnot.”

                “Your brother and sister aren’t coming up?” he asked curiously.

                I shook my head. “Nah. My sister is out of the country right now for work. And my brother and his husband live too far away to come up for my birthday,” I said.

                “Well, that sucks,” Liam said with a frown.

                I shrugged. “I guess. Are you guys still coming up this weekend?”

                “Of course! Wouldn’t want to miss your 17th birthday party,” he said, reaching out to pinch my cheek.

                I smacked his hand away, rolling my eyes. “Yea, yea. I’ll see Saturday night, Liam.”

                “Bye Galen. Happy birthday!” he said, waving to me before taking off to leave.

                I went down to the parking lot and got in my car, driving myself home. It kind of sucked that Alek and Dimitri couldn’t be home for my birthday since they had never missed it before. But Alek was away, and Dimitri and Theo had moved a few months ago.

                I pulled into the driveway and got out of the car, letting myself into the house. Mom and dad smiled at me as I passed through the kitchen.

                “Hey birthday boy. How was your day?” dad asked.

                “It was good,” I said. “Everyone is still coming over tomorrow to celebrate with me.”

                I was having a birthday party type thing tomorrow, since my parents insisted on spending my actual birthday with me. I didn’t really mind it, but it would be quiet with just me and my parents this year.

                I glanced at the clock before checking my cell phone. “Did Dimitri or Alek call? I got home kind of late.”

                Mom shook her head. “Alek isn’t getting phone service until later tonight. And Dimitri hasn’t called.”

                I kept my expression the same despite the sinking I felt in my heart. Sure, Dimitri was always late to everything. But I thought he would’ve at least called me by now to say happy birthday.

                “I’m sure you’ll hear from him soon, Galen. In the meantime, dinner is almost ready. Go ahead and settle yourself in the dining room,” mom said.

                I nodded and started walking towards the dining room, mom and dad following me with smiles on their faces. Okay, that was kind of weird.

                I went into the dining room and looked up. I froze and my eyes widened at the two men sitting at the table.

                “Ah, you’re finally home. I see you have my sense of time,” Dimitri said.

                “Dimitri!” I said in surprise. “Theo!”

                “Surprise,” Theo said with a smile.

                Dimitri stood up and came over to me. Just like he had, I’d hit a growth spurt in my teens. But Dimitri still towered over me. He seemed to tower over everyone with his impressive height.

                “Would I really miss my wonderful little brother’s 17th birthday?” he asked cheerfully, pulling me into a hug.

                “But…you and Theo moved!” I said, hugging him back tightly. I hadn’t seen him in months.

                “Indeed we did. I’ve always enjoyed car trips, though,” he said, grinning down at me.

                I stepped back from him, smiling at him. He was wearing black pants with a pink dress shirt, and his hair was spiked up with blue spikes in the front. He and Theo were 27, the couple that had outlasted everyone’s expectations.

                “Happy birthday Galen,” Theo said to me. I had grown incredibly fond of him, especially now that he was my brother in law.

                “Thanks Theo. It’s good to see you guys,” I said honestly.

                “Ah, look at my handsome younger brother. I bet you’re a heartbreaker,” Dimitri said.

                “What can I say? I take after my brother,” I said. I looked exactly like Dimitri had at my age, minus the outrageous outfits and purple hair.

                “I’m going to go grab dinner. I just wanted to see your face when you saw Dimitri and Theo,” mom said with a smile before disappearing into the kitchen with dad.

                I hesitated before hugging Dimitri again, tightly. “I missed you Dimitri,” I said.

                “Now, none of that. I wasn’t gone for that long. I’ll visit you any time you want,” Dimitri assured. “And what, now that you’re 17 you’re too good to call me Dimmy?”

                I laughed. “I thought you hated nicknames?”

                “I do. You get an exception to that rule,” he said, putting his arm around me.

                “And I don’t?” Theo asked, raising an eyebrow.

                “Hush, Theodore,” Dimitri said, grinning. “You’re my husband, not my brother.”

                “It’s because I’m Dimmy’s favorite,” I said smugly.

                “Indeed you are,” Dimitri said, ruffling my hair. He smiled down at me affectionately. “Happy birthday, dear. I’m glad we could be here for it.”

                “You better come back and visit me a lot,” I said, leaning against him.

                “Say the word and we are at your service,” he said, bowing a little.

                I smiled up at him, glad he cared about me enough to drive all the way down just for my birthday. There was no better birthday surprise than having my brother here. 

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