Chapter 1

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(EPOV) Eddie

"Have any of you seen Rose? Hans just informed me that she has missed her last three shifts."

"She's probably off somewhere hiding and pouting. That's all she's good for anymore. Not that she was ever worth much of anything to begin with." I heard those words come out of Lissa's mouth, but I wasn't believing she said that. I felt my mouth fall open and my jaw hit the floor. Looking at Chris, I could tell I wasn't the only one that felt that way.

"Whatever. Christian have you heard from her?"

"No, not since that day at the church."

"That's the last day anyone saw her. I'm going to go check her room."

"I'll go with you Eddie, after what this genius over here said that day, she may need help. You Belikov, after everything Rose went through to bring you back, you'd think you would be at least a little bit grateful. But no, not you. You treat her like garbage, like she is just shit on the bottom of your shoe." Christian said. He and Rose may have not have ever been the best of friends, but he still cares about her.

"Rose didn't bring me back Princess Vasilissa did." 

Hearing this shocked me so bad I didn't know what to say.

"And you really believe that bullshit?" Christian asked him.

"I was there, I know what I saw and felt, and it was the Princess that brought me back."

"Yea well, I was there that day too remember. Lissa may have been the one that staked you, but she wasn't the one that saved you." Chris told him.

"Like I said, I know what I felt."

"Lissa, are you really going to just sit there and let him go on believing that crap?" Christian asked her.

"Why shouldn't I? I am the one who saved him."

"Oh my God, who are you? You and I both know, that you are not responsible for his being a dhampir again, that was all Rose. All you did was stab him with a stake. And the only reason that you knew what to do, is because Rose was almost killed half a dozen times trying to find a way to bring him back. Rose is the one that broke you know who out of you know where. Rose is the one that hunted him down in Russia. Rose is the one that did everything to get him back. You were just a spirit user in the right place at the right time, it could have just as easily been Adrian." I told them all incredulously. Looking at Chris I could tell he was just as shocked by Lissa's words and actions as I was.

"Come on Eddie let's go check her apartment." With that said we went to Rose's apartment to make sure she was ok.

I knocked on the door, only for it to come open. Which meant that it hadn't actually been closed to begin with. We walked in and on the bar I found an envelope.

"Chris look." I held the envelope up showing it to him.

"Why would she leave an envelope for the two of us?"

"I don't know, here open it and see what it is."

Dear Eddie and Chris,

By the time that you get this I'll be gone. I can't stay here anymore, I am sick and tired of hateful ungrateful people in my life. I go to the ends of the earth to save Dimitri from being a strigoi. Only to have him come back hating the very sight of me, and worshiping at the feet of one Princess Vasilissa Sabina Rhea Dragomir, simply because she stabbed him with a stake. He acts as though just being in my presence, is a spit in the face for him and that I am beneath him. I am also tired of having Adrian continually trying to get me to sleep with him. I like him as a friend nothing more, but he just won't stop. And because of this I have to listen to Tatiana call me trash, slut, blood whore and a whole list of other things. Adrian, if you hear this, you would be a good friend if you'd just stop. As for the precious Princess, Chris I am so sorry for the things she has put you through. If I had known that she'd turn out this way, I would have left her to Victor. To everyone that doesn't know the new and improved her, she is the perfect angel. What a load of bullshit, she uses people like toilet paper. Chris she doesn't deserve you, I used to think it was the other way around but I was soo wrong. Be glad that you got out when you did. Now as for the high and mighty Guardian Dimitri Belikov, if you can hear this, you. make. me. sick. I should have killed you instead of bringing you back. All the pain that you caused me as a strigoi, is nothing compared to what you have caused me since you've been back. Want an estimation on the difference? Well take what you did as a strigoi, and multiply it times a million see if you can even come close. But you won't because you don't really care, you never did. I was just a convenient piece of ass for you to use. All that bullshit about loving me, was just that, bullshit. You wanted sex and I was dumb enough to believe your lies. I was the virgin, so you just had to have me. Well you got what you wanted, you conquered the infamous Rose Hathaway, you did what no one else had been able to do. But then that's another reason why you did it, bragging rights. I have risked my life for you more times than anyone knows, even Eddie. I  figured out a way to bring you back,broke Victor Dashkov out of prison,went to Russia to free your soul. I chased down a fucking myth to bring you back, I  fought and kill 783 strigoi to free you, the list just goes on and on and on. And why did I do all of those things? Because I loved you, stupid me I know, I can't believe that I fell for your lies. How many other times have you done that... huh? Well you wanted me away from you, wish granted. You bastard. You are no better than Adrian, Jesse Zeklos or any other of the moroi men that uses dhampir girls and women. You and your precious Princess deserve each other. I hope you live happily ever after before you both burn in hell. I'll see you there, I'll be the one in charge of your punishment, and I'll be sure to make you both regret having ever been born. So both of you fuck off, eat shit, and drop dead. Eddie, if you and Chris want to contact me. I'll be in the one place, that you, Mason and I always wanted to go. Trying to do what we wanted to, bring Mia with you if you want, I'll be happy to see the three of you. If you need help getting there ask my father, in case you don't know who that is. It's Abe Mazur. He'll get you there and never tell any of those fuckers where we are. In case you need a reminder where I mean, just remember that we are THE ABANDOND. Hope to see the three of you soon.

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