Chapter 43

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"We will take a break and get ready for the next part of the concert. While we do that, please enjoy this." As soon as I said the last word fireworks burst overhead.

As the crowed watched the fireworks we all got ready for the next part of the show.

"Alright, first things first, we are doing 'Romeo' first. You all know your queue's and marks. I know that this is the first time that we have done this in front of a live audience. But don't worry, I believe in all of you and I know that you can all do this. After a few more songs Dimitri is going to start his portion of the show. Then the guys will all sing a song or two, then the girls will sing a couple more songs, then after that Mia will sing her song. Then Dimitri and I will do two duets to close out the show. Mia, are you ready to reveal your new song?"

Bless her heart she looked worried.

"I guess. I mean it's ready, but no one has ever heard it but you and the girls."

"Trust me chica, it is more than ready and so are you."

I saw a smile spread over her face just before she nodded and said, "ok, let's do it."

I hugged her, "good girl just remember we all love and believe in you."


Damn, she made it all sound so easy, but then she always did. No matter what the task was she made it sound so simple and achievable. That was just one of the things that made her a great leader and queen.

It all just came so naturally to her. She would never cease to amaze me. She has always pushed herself just to be sure she that was good enough for everyone else. To be what everyone else needed as a wife, a mother, a sister, a daughter, a sister in law, a daughter in law, a granddaughter in law, a friend, a performer and as a queen. To sum her up in one sentence, she is fucking phenomenal.

While everyone watched the fireworks show our roadies set up the stage for the next song.

Five bar stools were set up along the front of the stage each with a microphone on each of them. For this song, Roza would sit on the middle stool while on her right side would be Mia and my little sister Vika and on her left side would be Celeste and Jill.

We knew that the song only called for four singers but we decided to tweak it a little.

After the fireworks show was over everyone took their places.

"Did you all enjoy the fireworks?" My love asked.


Applause roared all around me.

"Great. As you can see, I am joined here at the front of the stage by some of my friends. I am going to introduce each of them to you just so you know who is who."

More applause rang throughout the area.

"First off, I am sure most if not all of you know our keyboardist Mia, Meme, Rinaldi. Then there is someone who will hopefully be my sister in law one day soon. If Ivan ever grows a pair!!!" I teased looking over my shoulder at Ivan. Who is standing there with his mouth hanging open in obvious shock. While Dimitri pats him on the shoulder and laughs like an hysterical hyena.

"Anyway, as I was saying this is Jill, Jilly, Mastrano. Then there is my sister in law Victoria, Vika, Belikova. As you can no doubt tell she is Dimitri's little sister. And last but not least is someone who is very important to me and has been for a very long time. She is also like a sister to me, a big sister. Celeste, CiCi, Jacobs. Everyone please give my ladies a big hand."

The audience, crew, band and other participants all did as I ask.

"Now, we are about to sing a fun song. And yes, again I did write this song about my husband. I wrote it after a dream I had about him this song pretty much tells you what the dream was about. So, I hope you all enjoy it."

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