Chapter 33

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"It's fine Tatiana, it shows you actually have some backbone and that this is important to you." I told her.

"Thank you Rose. I wish I had listened to you sooner and more carefully. But sometimes it is already too late when we learn our lessons."

"It's fine. I understand, you were queen and didn't want a dhampir to challenge what you thought was right."

"No Rose, it wasn't that I didn't want a dhampir to challenge me. It was that I was afraid you were right so I turned a blind eye. Which caused so much more damage to the dhampirs and non-royals in the long run. Again I'm deeply deeply sorry Rose."

"Thank you."

"Adrian, I want to know why you are using compulsion on Vasilissa?"

"He's not."

"Shut up you stupid, ignorant, insipid child. Answer me Adrian."

"I wanted to rule and since we can only have ruling queens. This was my best shot at getting what I wanted to happen, happen."

"Now tell me again Vasilissa that he is not compelling you."

"Adrian how could you, I thought we were in this together."

"Oh shut up, you stupid, whinny, worthless, bitch. I only slept with you to get close enough to you to compel you. Which was a complete and utter waste of my time. You were supposed to get me Rose but all you've done is drive her further away."

"Rose, Rose, Rose, why is everything always about Rose?!!! She's just a stupid dhampir am queen everything is supposed to be about me." Said the supposed adult whom acted like a petulant child.

"Vasilissa, you are no queen not a true queen. Rose is the embodiment of what a true queen is you are just a sad sad substitute. A spoiled, selfish, useless, little girl."

We all watched as Lissa stomped over and sat on the cot to pout.

"Rose, I want to thank you again. Because you are taking the worthy of my kingdom and building a true home for them. And I couldn't be prouder of you or happier for you and them. Also, I would like to congratulate you and Dimitri on being parents. I can see that you will both be the best parents your children could ever hope for. At least one of my nephews became a decent man. And Rose, I am so very sorry for the things that I said about you and Adrian. If I had been smarter I would have seen that you held no feelings of any kind for him. And that it was he that was unworthy of you not the other way around."

"Thank you, Tatiana. You are not as bad a person as I thought. And I'm sorry for calling you queen bitch so much."

"Thank you, but I'm afraid I was a queen bitch Rose. Again thank you for everything it's my time I must go. Goodbye everyone."

With that we heard no more from Tatiana.

"Alright everyone let's go it's getting bed time for the little ones." All of us left the cells leaving behind the unneeded and unwanted royals. For good I hoped.

Once we were all back on the bus Dimitri asked, "are you going to sing that new song Roza?"

"Yes. Eddie hand me your acoustic guitar please." He did and I began to play the melody for the new song I wrote. "I wrote this song earlier today. I wrote it for Dimitri and my baba but also for all fathers all around the world. I hope that you all like it."

I remember daddy's hands folded silently in prayer

And reachin' out to hold me, when I had a nightmare

You could read quite a story in the callous' and lines

Years of work and worry had left their mark behind

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