Chapter 24

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Walking over to stand menacingly in front of Kirova's desk hands on her hips feet spread she looked deadly. "Bitch you will type up a bill of sale for watch post cabin nine and all its contents for the bargain basement price of one single solitary dollar. You will sign it into the ownership of Dimitri Belikov and Roe Mazur Belikova. And you will do it now and happily before I break your mother fucking neck. Do I make myself crystal clear?" She viciously growled at Kirova. When she said that about breaking Kirova's neck her voice sounded like what I imagine a demon would sound like.

"No I won't..."

Interrupting I said, "Kirova if I were you I would do as you are told. This is not the Rose Hathaway you are used to dealing with this isn't even Roe Mazur. This is 'the slayer,' and she doesn't take no for an answer, from anyone, nor does she give second chances. She will kill you without a second thought if you disobey her, trust me, I've seen it."

I watched as Rose unrolled the whip that was once on her hip.

"Kirova, that whip that she has in her hand is laced with charmed silver razor blades and she can peel the skin from a grape at fifty paces. I wouldn't advise testing her right now. You can't even begin to imagine the things that she can do to a strigoi with that thing. Much less a moroi."

Kirova took a piece of paper from her desk and began to type, when she finished she handed it to me with a trembling hand. I looked at it then said, "it is all done and legal slayer. You two are now the proud owners of your cabin." I said holding the title out to her hoping she would take it but also knowing that she only would if she had calmed down.

"Give it to Dimitri." Oh well I guess that she hasn't calmed down enough yet. Which I should have known just by looking at her hair. So, I handed it to Dimitri and watched as he placed it into one of the inside pockets of his duster.

"Now Kirova, you and everyone that didn't decide to join us will be put into a cell along with the royal students. But first you look into my eyes." Kirova looked up at Rose.

"Ellen Kirova, from this day forth you will spy on Vasilissa Dragomir, Adrian Ivashkov and everyone associated with them. You will be given a burner phone with a number already programmed into it. Which you will find under the sink in the bathroom of your room. When anything that you even think that I might want to know happens or is rumored to happen or going to happen. You will call that number and report it. You will never remember having done this no matter how much compulsion someone tries to use on you. You won't even remember having the phone until the time comes for you to use it. And afterwards you will forget its existence until the next time that you need to use it. Other than that you will carry on as you have done in the past. Now are there any valuables on campus?" I understood, without being told, that I was the one that was supposed to place the phone in her room.

"Yes, slayer. There are four safes in my room three of which hold seven million dollars' cash each with journals saying how, when, and where I took the money from. The fourth holds every valuable ever presumed lost or stolen from campus since I took over. There is also a safe here in my office which holds all of Queen Vasilissa's jewels and cash and also her crown as well as cash for needs here on campus."

"Open the safe in this office now." She stood and went to a painting on the wall. 

'That is rather obvious.' I thought to myself. Removing it she opened the safe then returned to her chair.

"Celeste, please clean out this safe then escort Kirova to her room and clean out those safes as well. Once you are done with that take everything to the bus then escort her to the cells. Kirova you will go with Celeste and open the safes in your room. You will also tell her the default codes and locations of all the other safes on campus. You will follow her to the cells where you will forget everything that happened here except voluntarily selling Dimitri the cabin. Do you understand me?"

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