Chapter 13

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God, she's dreaming about that bastard. She is willing to live as a strigoi just to save me. How in the hell did I ever manage to make her love me that much? I know that I would do it for her and now I knew she'd do it for me too. 

Leaning close to her ear I began to whisper to her, "Roza, baby it's just a dream. I'm right here in bed next to you, wake up my darling. Я тебя люблю Розу. Только помните, мы убили Натана, это просто мечта моя любовь. Услуга, и вы найдете меня рядом с вами где я останусь на всю вечность." (I love you Roza. Just remember we killed Nathan, it's just a dream my love. Wake and you will find me next to you where I will remain for all eternity.)

A few minutes later I saw my Roza's eyelids begin to flutter as she woke. I wanted to be the first thing she saw so I gently lay my forehead against hers and waited for her to open her eyes fully.

When she finally opened her eyes it took a minute for her eyes to adjust to the light. But once they did she smiled a heart breakingly beautiful smile at me and I kissed her.

"I missed you milaya."

"How long have I been out?"

"Almost two whole days."

"Are you ok Comrade? You didn't get hurt did you?!"

"No love I'm fine, everyone is fine. You are the one we were concerned about."

"Why what happened?" She asked me confused.

"What is the last thing you remember Roza?"

"The blonde strigoi trying to sneak up on you."

I didn't know if I should tell her what happened or not. But I know if I don't and the memory returns she'll be angry at me for hiding something from her.

"I don't quite know how to explain it to you Roza. The darkness took you completely for a little while. It took me hours to get you back. While you were in the grip of the darkness you did things, things I never thought I'd ever see someone do to a strigoi. Hell I never even dreamed it was possible to do those things." I stopped talking as I relived what she had done in the caves. I remember watching her and she had scared the hell out of me.

"I'm sorry Comrade, I didn't mean to scare you. If you don't want to stay with me now I'll understand." She said sadly.

"What?! No no no I am never leaving you Roza. I told you that I love you more than anything or anyone and that has not and will not change ever." I told her fiercely. "What makes you think that you scared me?" I asked her while brushing her hair from her face.

She smiled a small smile and said, "did you forget that I can read your mind?"

I grinned at her, "yeah actually I did." I told her a little embarrassed that I had forgotten that. She just smiled indulgently at me. 

'God help me I love this woman so damn much.' I thought to myself as I gazed at her.

"I love you too. Would it be ok with you if I tried to look into your memories? I don't know if it'll work or not but since I can read your mind I suppose it's possible."

"Of course love, do whatever you need to."

"Thank you." 

She gently lay her hand on the side of my face and I watched as she closed her eyes. Then I did the same I don't know if it will help or not but I thought I might as well give it a shot. I lay beside her thinking about what had happened in the caves. Running our whole time there and later on the bus over in my mind.

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