Chapter 32

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"Because you don't deserve Dimitri's baby, you are a whore!!! I deserved to be the one with him, I am the one who deserves to have his children, I am the one that deserves his love!! Me, not you!!! I am the moroi!!!!" She screeched.

I looked at Dimitri and saw pure unadulterated shock on his face, "another Tasha it would seem." I turned back to Kirova, "well to fucking bad I have Dimitri we have our daughter and we are expecting another child. And you are about to be in the pain that you have inflicted on others so you better prepare yourself." Turning to Liz I ask, "which leg was it Liz?"

"The left."

"Thank you, please take a pen and mark where the brakes were." Taking a pen from her bag she did as I asked. "Niko can I use your baton?" He handed it to me without hesitation or question.

I struck Kirova repeatedly where Liz had marked. "Now, I'm going to heal you. Just enough to where eventually you will be able to walk again someday." After I healed her a little I asked, "you remember Tommy Kendall don't you Kirova? The dhampir boy that piece of gym equipment fell on. And broke his leg in the same three places that I just broke yours. Well by all means let me introduce you to him. Tommy would you please come here for a minute."

Tommy stepped out from behind everyone walked right up to me hugged and thanked me. "Thank you, my queen for healing me. From this day forth I will guard you and your family with my life." 

He bowed to me and Dimitri before turning back to Kirova, "you worthless piece of shit. Because of your not letting the doctor put my leg in a cast. I've had to get around in a barrowed wheelchair because I couldn't walk. I have been stuck in the infirmary since my accident until today. Today my queen came to my room and healed me. Thanks to her I can walk again. You should be glad she showed you enough mercy to heal you enough to where you can walk again one day. You will most likely have a limp but you will walk, which is a hell of a lot more than you ever did for me."

"Thank you, Tommy." He bowed again turned and retook his place in the group. Lighting a fire in my hand I asked, "which hand Liz?"

"The right, second degree."

"You'll have to tell me when it's second degree I don't want to go light on her." Liz nodded just before I grabbed Kirova's right hand and listened to her scream as she burned. You could almost hear the sizzle of her skin as it fried.

"That should be it Roe." Liz took a look at Kirova and sure enough, it was a second-degree burn all over her hand.

"Kirova, do you remember Sally Wellington?" Again she didn't answer she just sat there and whined in pain.

"Well please allow me introduce you, Sally come here please." This time Sally stepped from the crowd and came to my side. "Kirova, this is Sally Wellington the non-royal that you wouldn't allow Liz to treat. For the second-degree burns she received on her right hand after an accident in the chemistry lab. Do you remember her now?"

Again, Kirova refused to answer or look at the person I was talking about. So again I grabbed her face in my hand and turned her head for her. "Look at her you pathetic hateful bitch. Sally please hold up your right hand. She did as I asked.

"Do you see my hand you God forsaken piece of shit? Just like Tommy my queen, came to me and healed me. She didn't do it for praise or recognition like your queen does. She did it because she is an amazing person who cares about people other than herself. Now do you think that your queen will do the same for you? Well I'll tell you she won't she cares nothing about anyone but herself and the royals. Because of your not allowing Dr. O to properly treat my hand. I have barley been able to use it since my accident. I had lost almost all the feeling in it. But Dr. O is a good person. So she paid for the supplies I needed to care for it myself out of her own pocket and then she showed me what to do. She also came by every few days just to make sure that I was keeping up with the treatments. That is what people like my queen do. While people like you and your queen care nothing about anyone else. You are all a waste of space and oxygen. The entire world would be better off without people like you."

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