Chapter 31

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"Sure thing, Roe, it's the least I can do for my Goddaughter." Again, he smiled. I could tell he was very happy to be Dimi's Godfather.

"Thanks." And once again Dimitri and I were on our way to see Father Andrew.

"You remember me telling you that you were one hot mama Roza?"

"How could I ever forget that line it was hilarious."

"I came up with a song about that. I obviously haven't had time to write it down but a good portion of it is in my head."

"Are you serious? You really came up with a song based on that?" He grinned and nodded at me. "I'll have to come up with a song about daddy then."

I thought about it all the way to the church when we got there I pretty much had the whole thing done. I couldn't hide my smile; I knew that both Dimitri and my  father would love the song. Or at least I hoped that they would.

"What are you smiling at?"

"The song I just wrote."

"You've done a whole song in that short amount of time?" He sounded shocked.

"Yep, pretty much."

"Do I get to hear it?"

"One day."

He softly growled at me so as to not wake Dimi, "Rozaaa, please." He pouted.

"Soon, how about I use it to sing Dimi and the others to sleep tonight?"

"Is that the best offer that I'm going to get?" He threw my words back at me and I laughed.


"Fine." He jokingly pouted.

As we were about to walk into the church Father Andrew was walking out, "oh hello Rose, Guardian Belikov."

"Please Father, just call me Roe."


"And I'm just Dimitri now Father."

"Please, both of you call me Andrew."

"Thank you." We both said.

"Would you mind if we went back inside and talked for a few minutes?" I asked.

"No, of course not child." We walked back inside and sat down on the back pew.

"Andrew, have you heard what Dragomir and Ivashkov have planned for the dhampir and non-royals?" I asked him.

"No, I haven't. I've been away at a clerical conference all week I just got back earlier today."

"I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this but they are enslaving everyone who is not a royal."

"Oh my, surly your mistaken."

"No, Andrew they admitted it several times in the last two days in front of everyone on campus. I'm sorry." Dimitri said.

"I... I just can't believe it. Lissa was always such a sweet child. Why would she do this?"

"We don't know. We do know that they tried to kill Roza earlier today. And they have done many other horrific things to her as well as many many many other people."

"I'm sorry Roe, I know that the two of you were like sisters."

"Yes, I've taken care of her since we were five years old. But I just can't let them make slaves of us it's not right."

"I agree. So what did you need to see me about?"

"Well all the dhampir and non-royals are going with us to a new country that I have had built just for us. And we wanted to know if you wanted to come with us?"

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