Chapter 16

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"The same way that you're able to bring strigoi back, Rosie. You are shadow kissed, which gives you the ability to control all the elements even spirit. It also gives you more powers than you yet know, very soon all of your current powers will also begin to increase in strength. And please no matter what else happens stay the hell away from Adrian Ivashkov. Rosie before you start having your children as I said you will gain even more powers; so be careful of who you trust. There will be one, who you already know, who will want you for his own. Not just to warm his bed but also for your powers."

"Is it who I'm afraid it is?"

"Yes, that's why I told you to stay away from him and anyone that has anything to do with him. I will do my best to show you those who you cannot trust but I will not always be there. So never be alone and always trust your instincts and your shadow kissed abilities."

"Mr. Ashford, I don't know if you know who I am or not..."

"Yes sir Mr. Mazur, I know who you are, you are my sisters father."

Baba smiled at him, "yes I am. I also want to thank you for taking care of my baby girl when neither myself nor Dimitri were unable to do so."

"Your quite welcome Mr. Mazur, no thanks are necessary." Mason told baba.

Mason looked at Dimitri. "Dimitri, you have to let go of the things that happened when you were a strigoi. That was all supposed to happen and it had to happen exactly as it did. If it had not happened that way, the cure for being strigoi would have never been found. It had to be you and Rosie that made that myth into a reality. I know the things you did; the things you can't forgive yourself for. I saw it all and I do mean all. If she hadn't loved you as much as she does then she wouldn't have come after you to try and free you. But that was never what she was supposed to do she was always supposed to use her love for you to drive her to find the cure for being strigoi. Which is what she did you both played your parts perfectly. I realize that the memories of the things you did plague you still but you must let them go. Regardless of what happened she has always and will always love you. But you must set yourself free of those things in order to not only help Rosie rule but also to help her raise your children. Those that you had no choice but to feed from, that was always their destiny, that was their time to die.I'm not saying hide it from anyone or deny that it happened, but there are some who have returned that did far far worse things than you did they too have to get past it. Everything Rosie has been through from that night in Portland till you both die of old age she will do and has done because of her love for you. Never doubt the extent of her love for you Dimitri. There has never been a love as strong as hers for you or yours for her and there never will be. She has never truly doubted your love for her. She was hurt and upset, understandably, at your refusal and denial but she never really doubted you. She was afraid that you had buried your love under so much guilt, despair and fear that you would never be able to access it again but she never truly doubted that it was there. Why do you think it was so easy for you to get her back? If she hadn't known that deep down you do and always will love her, she wouldn't have taken you back ever. So no matter what happens you must never doubt her love for it will always always be there. Just take good care of her, Dimitri."

"I will take care of her to the best of my abilities, Mason."

"That's all I could ever ask for, thank you."

Turning back to me he said, "Rosie you have to stop blaming yourself for what happened in Spokane. It was not your fault. While we were in that basement I was visited by my spirit guide. He told me that if I went back into that house to help you that I would die but you would live. I gave it not a second thought because I love you sis. Also,Ooe of the reasons that you've always been able to see me is because I'm your spirit guide. And I will guide you the best I know how. The longer I'm gone and the more powerful you become the easier it will be for not only you to see and hear me. But also for you to do this so others can see and hear me as well even eventually inside the wards. Rosie there's someone else you need to stay away from, her you also know. When we were little it was just the four of us but she isn't one of us anymore now she's one of those royals. Also you need to restore as many as you can before you get pregnant because you will need to take a year off with each child and don't try to prevent or postpone the pregnancies. They need to happen when they are supposed to."

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