Chapter 14

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"Because my darling you were not eighteen yet, remember."

"Yes, I remember. That doesn't mean that you didn't torture the hell out of me every damn day by denying it for all those months."

"I know baby and I'm so sorry. If I could change the past I still wouldn't act on it until I did. But I would have, at the very least, told you how I felt and why I wasn't acting on it."

I leaned my head on his shoulder, "it's ok. I loved you more than anything I had ever known, even then, even through all that torturous agony and I still do. It almost killed me on more than one occasion, in the beginning, I was so afraid that you really didn't love me."

"Roza, I have been in love with you from the very first second I laid my eyes on you. There has never been one single solitary second since I saw you that I haven't loved you, even when I was acting like an ass."

"Me too Comrade, me too. So how long did it take you to figure out that was a lame attempt at back handed public flirting?"

"Oh honey, I ran that entire day over and over in my head all night, hell for days weeks actually. After I went back to my room I thought about what you said that's when it hit me. And I couldn't get you out of my mind." He quietly mumbled, "I still haven't been able to do that." Causing everyone to laugh at him.

"Yeah, well I know how that feels too. I haven't been able to get you out of my mind since I saw you standing by that light pole."

"If you hadn't captivated me so much you never would have seen me. I just got so caught up in watching you that I couldn't move. I quite literally froze. You are the most beautiful woman that God will ever put on this earth Roza. And I love you with everything I have and everything I am everything I ever will be." He looked into my eyes as he said this letting me see that was truly how he felt. As he gently caressed my cheek.

"Awww, you guys are just so freaking cute." Mia squealed.

"Yeah, they are so cute I think I'm going to be sick." Chris said.

I leaned up onto the table and popped Chris in the side of the head not hard enough to him though. I thought about saying something about him just being jealous but then I remembered how much he had loved and still missed Lissa a little and I thought better of it. I didn't want to cause him in undue pain after all.

"You guys realize we need to sing 'Dust in the Wind' tomorrow night right?" I asked knowing most of them would know what I meant. Well the band anyway.

It was Eddie that answered me, "yeah we know what you mean we just weren't going to bring it up. We thought that after what happened in the caves the other day that it might be best if you didn't realize what tomorrow is."

Jill innocently asked, "what is tomorrow?"

I felt myself stiffen at that question and Dimitri pulled me further into his arms. He kissed the crown of my head and rested his chin on the top of my head. But I answered her anyway, "it's the anniversary of Mason's murder." I told her stiffly.

"Oh Roe I'm so sorry, I should have minded my own business."

I gave her a half smile before saying, "it's ok Jilly, it was an understandable question."

Everyone thankfully decided to drop the subject for now.

"So Ivan, tell me a little about yourself." Jill asked him. He turned and looked at me and I nodded to him, letting him know that it was ok to tell her.

"Well as I said Dimka is my best friend has been since we were little kids. A few years ago I was attacked by strigoi and turned..." That's when I heard her sharp inhale.

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