Chapter 30

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"My God, how can anyone leave someone as precious as these babies?"

"I don't know Roe; I understand that the teenage mothers were scared, but... I just don't know." She shook her head in despair. "I've always wanted children but I can't have them." That made up my mind right there.

"Liz, Emil if you want a child this is your chance." They both looked at me as though to see if I was serious. I nodded that I was in fact serious.

I watched as they looked at each other and smiled walked away and picked up a little dhampir boy with strawberry blonde hair. It seems as though they had already become attached to him.

"Celeste, Yuri, Eddie, Mia, Ivan, Jilly, Baba, Al, the same goes for you." The smiles on all their faces said it all.

"Rose, you don't think that Alie and I are a little old to be raising a child?" Baba asked me.

"Baba you are as old as you feel." He looked at Al and she smiled.

She was already a wonderful mother to me. And I knew that she would be the same for a little brother or sister as well. With those words all the couples went to find their match.

"Chris don't worry you and Vika will get your chance soon. If the two of you don't want to adopt then you can always have your own or vice versa. Or even both."

"Thank you, Roe."

"And in the meantime you can help spoil all of them." He simply smiled.

Turns out that there was a set of four months old dhampir twins, a boy and a girl. And they found a home with Eddie and Mia. Celeste and Yuri became parents to a five-month-old dhampir daughter. Ivan and Jilly adopted a seven-month-old little moroi boy. And Baba and Al became the parents of a two-year-old little dhampir boy and a six-month old moroi girl.

"Liz, how many more children are there under the age of ten?"

"There are five more under the age of five and twelve between the ages of five and ten."

"God, is it this way at all the schools?"

"Unfortunately. Of course, the numbers are worse in some schools and better in others but it's still bad."

"What about car and booster seats?"

"There are none, the children are never allowed to leave the academy grounds. Just as you weren't."

"This shit will not happen in Freedom. As soon as a girl starts having her cycle she is to be given the implant in her arm to prevent this. I know that seems harsh but this has to stop." (I know some won't like this opinion; it's not mine, it just fit with the story)

"No Roe, it's not harsh it's being practical we can't stop them from having sex. But maybe doing that will stop stuff like this from happening."

"When the girls reach eighteen they can decide if they want to continue the birth control or not but before that they will have it. And there will be NO abortions in Freedom unless it truly is a medically necessary to save the mothers life. Baba, we need a dozen car seats that can double as baby carriers as well as a dozen booster seats. We also need ten single strollers and two double strollers and we need them now. We can't leave until the children are all safely able to travel. We also need seven bassinets that will fit on the buses for our children to sleep in tonight."

"Right away kiz." Holding the little boy he left to send someone to get the stuff we need.

"Liz what about formula, clothes, diapers, wipes, bottles, pacifiers, blankets and birth certificates?"

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