Chapter 18

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"I don't want other men looking at what's mine, Roza." I saw Eddie and Yuri both nodding in agreement.

Before I could say anything Daniel walked on the bus and said, "show time every one." And just like that Mia, Celeste and I linked hands and walked off the bus being sure to walk so that our skirts bounced with ever step we took.


Dear God in heaven what did I ever do to deserve a woman as hot and sexy as my Roza? But must she really dress like that in front of other men? I'm either going to die a very very happy man tonight or I'm going to prison for murder. How many murders remains to be seen? Yuri, Eddie and I watched as our women skipped toward the stage hand in hand. Their short ass skirts bouncing with them. I swear if one guy tries to lay a hand on my Roza I'm going to chop that fucking hand off and shove it down his damn throat.


I could hear Dimitri's thoughts and they were freaking hilarious. Once everyone arrived at the stage the lights went down signaling that it was time for everyone to take their places.

My walking to the front of the stage was the signal for the light to come back up and they did. As soon as the lights were up every one of the guys in the audience went completely nuts.

And my poor Comrade cringed in jealousy. "Baby, if any of these boys think that they are ever going to get any of this then they are dumber than they look. And trust me they look pretty fucking dumb." 

I felt him laugh as he began to relax. What our poor men didn't realize was that we all were actually wearing booty shorts under our skirts but they'll figure it out soon. Thankfully I have plenty of practice putting up mental walls so that Dimitri couldn't get that information from me until I wanted him to.

"Hello everyone, how are you doing tonight?" The roar of the crowd was great. It sent adrenaline coursing throughout my whole body. "So are you all ready to rock?!" Another roar. "I can't hear youuu I said are you ready to rock?!" A much louder roar emitted from the crowd this time. "Ok this first song is a fun song I hope that you will like it; this is for all those girls that just want to have fun."

I come home in the morning light

My mother says when you gonna live your life right

Oh mother dear we're not the fortunate ones

And girls they want to have fun

Oh girls just want to have fun

The phone rings in the middle of the night

My father yells what you gonna do with your life

Oh daddy dear you know you're still number one

But girls they want to have fun

Oh girls just want to have

That's all they really want

Some fun

When the working day is done

Girls - they want to have fun

Oh girls just want to have fun

Some boys take a beautiful girl

And hide her away from the rest of the world

I want to be the one to walk in the sun

Oh girls they want to have fun

Oh girls just want to have

That's all they really want

Some fun

When the working day is done

Girls - they want to have fun

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