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 This is the End of THE ABANDOND, I hope that you have all enjoyed reading it, as much as i have enjoyed writing it.



"Mama?" My five-year-old daughter Dimi asked.

"Yes, baby?"

"Do you think that sissy will like me?" She asked referring to my unborn daughter.

"Of course she will baby. Why would you think that she might not?"

"Well she told me that she wanted to be a big sister. And I told her that I was the big sister so she got mad at me."

"Wait, are you saying that you can talk to your sister?"

"Yes, Macie and I talk to her all the time."

"Dimitri!!!!" I called to my husband through our bond. It wasn't but a few seconds later that he came storming into Dimi's room.

"Roza baby, are you ok?! What happened?! Is it the children?!" He exclaimed in a rush.

"Dimi just told me that she and Macie have been talking to their sister. And that she has been talking back to them." I started sobbing. "They have magic Mitya."


I wrapped my panic-stricken wife in my arms. "Roza, calm down sweetheart, stress isn't good for you, Marin, or Anatoly. Remember Dr. Oldenzki said that you need to stay calm."

As I tried to calm my wife I also questioned my oldest daughter. "Dimi, baby girl you and Macie can talk with Marin but can you talk to Anatoly?"

"Yes, papa."

Roza wailed, "all of them Mitya they all have magic!!!"

"Shhhh... calm down baby calm down. Sally?!!"

Sally came running into Dimi's room, "yes, sire?"

"Watch over Dimi please I need to take Roza for a nap."

"Yes, your majesty."

Roza cried as I carried her all the way to our bedroom. Once I got her inside our room and had her laying down I called for Mason.


A few seconds later he appeared and I heard him ask. "What's up Dimitri?"

"Do Dimi, Macie, Marin and Anatoly all have magic?"


Roza wailed again.

Mason asked, "why is she so upset about that?"

I sighed, "you remember what magic was like for her in the beginning."

He walked around to the other side of the bed and sat down beside my Roza. "Ohhh Rosie, you don't have to worry. None of the children will ever be affected by their magic the way that you were with Lissa's."

She sniffled and asked, "so no... no darkness?"

"No Rosie, no darkness."

"For any of them?"

"No, they are all safe from the darkness. They will all be extremely gifted, very talented and exceptionally powerful but they won't have to deal with the darkness ever. I promise."

"Thank you, Mase." My wife said as she tried to catch her breath.

"Anything for you Rosie you know that. Now, is there anything else that you need?"

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