Chapter 41

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I only had a few hours to decide what to wear to the concert and I still had no clue what to wear. I should have done this days ago but I am a procrastinator.

"Comrade, what do you think I should wear tonight?" I asked my husband through our bond.

"Whatever you decide to wear please don't wear one of those little skirts that you wore at St. Vlad's. I don't think my heart could take that again."

"Now would I do that to you?" We both knew damn well that I would just to tease and tantalize the hell out of him.

"Yes, you absolutely would." I laughed my husband knew me so well.

A thought popped in my head and I had to quickly throw up a mental wall just to keep it from Dimitri. This outfit was going to rock his whole world all the way to it's very foundation or at least I was hoping that it would.

"Roza babe, are you ready? Everyone is here." He asked me almost two hours later.

"I'll be down in just a minute." I told him as I finished putting on the last little touches of my costume.

When I walked into our living room all of our group was there. All of Dimitri's family, my father, Alberta, Eddie, Mia, Christian, Ivan, Jilly, Celeste, Yuri, and mine and Dimitri's guardians. Dimitri's back was to me but everyone else was facing the door.

"Damn Dimka." Ivan said to him.


"Damn Dimka." Ivan said.


He didn't say anything but he pointed behind me. I turned to find my wife standing in the door to our living room leaning against the door frame one foot crossed over the other. And what she was wearing nearly caused my knees to buckle.

She stood there in a denim mini skirt with a red and black flannel button up shirt unbuttoned and tied right under and between her breasts. Under the flannel shirt that she wore a cropped tank top. On her feet were a pair of black high heeled cowboy boots her hair was in fucking pigtails and hanging from between her ruby red lips was a piece of hay.

Just looking at her standing there in her cowgirl costume had me instantly painfully hard. And trying desperately to catch my breath because she had knocked it clean the fuck out of me.

Oh my holy. Fucking. Shit!!! She was a cowgirl angel. My cowgirl angel. I was so mesmerized that I was frozen in place my mouth was hanging open and everyone was laughing their assess off at me. But in that moment I couldn't have cared less.

"What's wrong comrade? See something you like?" She asked throwing that line in my face again. As she started twirling that piece of hay between her lips and not only my breathing stopped but so did my heart.

When I saw her doing that it brought back a flash of memory of the last time that my cock had been between those luscious red lips. As that vivid memory replayed itself in my minds eye I could not contain my moan.

When I was finally able to think and move I made my way over to her. "Roza, you... you look sin-sa-tion-al. Although I am not too sure that I want other people seeing you like this. But for my eyes you look fan-fucking-tastic." (I spelled sensational, this way on purpose.)

Using our bond I told her, "be sure you keep that on and later we will play a little game."

She smiled that sexy ass smile of hers making me growl at her. She flung her thigh over my hip bone and with her man eater smile she said, "howdy, cowboy."

I smiled myself, "howdy, ma'am." I said as I tilted her chin up so I could kiss her crazy.

"I'm not sure that my husband would approve of someone else kissing his wife."

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