Chapter 5

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"Nope not anymore it's Roe now. I'm glad to see you Yuri it's been a while."

"Yes Roe it has. Dimitri why'd you want to know who the head guardian is?"

"Because I am now head of security for Roe and THE ABANDOND. So I need to check things out I don't want my Roza or anyone else in any unnecessary danger."

"Really? You seriously quit being a guardian?"

"Sanctioned guardian, yes. But we still guard some moroi as you can see this isn't an all dhampir crew. Although all of the dhampir are trained guardians though some of them are unpromised. Some like Roza, Eddie, Al and I, as well as a few others just got sick of all the bullshit and politics and decided to do it our way. We still protect but now we protect everyone. To us no one type of person is any more important than any other." I told him having asked Al about the crew during our original meeting. I answered more of Yuri's questions as he, Roza and I as well as Alberta walked the perimeter.

By the time that we had finished walking the perimeter the sun had set an hour ago. As we were walking towards the guardian's office Roza gasped and grabbed her stomach and I knew just what that meant. 

"How many Roza?" I asked as I held her up to keep her legs from buckling completely.

"Just ten." She said as she once again regained her footing.

"What's going on?" Yuri asked.

"Roza has a strigoi sensor. It comes from being shadow kissed." Ripping my stake from its sheath I followed Roza along with Alberta with Yuri close on our heels.

Roza stopped at the fence line before saying, "come to me children of the night."

"Roza what the hell are you doing?!!" She didn't even have her stake out she just stood there calling them to her.

"Watch Dimitri. You've missed a lot; this is one of the things that I was talking about letting her tell you."

No sooner did she say that than ten strigoi stepped out of the tree line. "Return or die which will it be?" What the hell is she talking about?

All but two said return. And those two were dead in an instant. Roza had shot what looked like flames of black smoke from her hands and incinerated them. The ones that said return stood in a line and were staked through the fence by Roza. One by one none of them ever moving after pressing their chests as close to the fence as possible. With each one a blast of light exploded around us all. It was like when I was changed back only Roza was a dhampir she didn't have magic. Once the light receded Roza was on the ground all but surrounded by the returned from the other side of the fence. All of them were on their knees, foreheads on the ground, arms stretched out in front of them hand flat on the ground. They looked like they were worshipping her.

Running to her I screamed her name over and over, "Roza, Roza, Roza please wake up." Taking her in my arms I heard Alberta on the head set.

"Abe we need ten blood bags at the back of campus by the pond, hurry she's done it again."

"Alberta what's going on?! What happened?! What did she do?! What's wrong with her?!" I asked in a rush of questions.

"Dimitri calm down you've only been with us for a couple of days. Like I said this is one of the things that I left up to her to tell you."

Just then Abe arrived at a full run which is something I have never really seen from a moroi unless they were being chased by strigoi. He asked Al, "are there any of them moroi this time?"

(APOV) Alberta

"No they are all dhampir, looks like most of them were guardians. Once Roe is back to herself we'll find out who they are and what they want to do."

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