Chapter 26

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I accidently messed up earlier by publishing the wrong chapter, for chapter 25. I would like to thank libb86 for bringing it to my attention. And because i messed up so badly I have decided to publish another chapter tonight. And dedicate it to libb86, thanks so much my friend, for having my back.

Turning to look back at her I said, "actually whore, we are not bonded anymore I severed the remainder of the bond when you both tried to force your darkness into me. So from now on you will be dealing with your own shit let's see how you like it. I bet that you'll be locked away in the nut house with Avery within a year if not before. You remember Avery right the so called 'best friend' you replaced me with. When I went too Russian too free the love of my life's soul. The one who tried to kill you so that she could shadow kiss you. But again I saved you all the way from Russia I saved you. You do remember her right? I bet Adrian remembers her too he did sleep with her after all. The whole time pretending that she was me. All she ever was, was a pathetic replacement for me to both of you."

Ignoring my question she said, "you can't break the bond; I gave you your life back you owe me..."

"And then you tried to take it you tried to kill me you tried to drive me insane. You took the credit for everything that I did while trying to turn Dimitri back. You abandoned me and then you drove me from court. So I don't owe you a fucking thing!!! I owe myself, my husband, my family and friends everything!!"

"He'll just leave you because you can't give him the children that he wants. He wants that more than he wants you. The only reason he's with you is for the fuck."

"You lying whore is that all that you can come up with? What your too stupid to know is that now Roza and I have a bond. Similar to the one that you had with her only ours is a million times stronger and it goes both ways. She knows exactly how I feel, what I think, and what I want just as I do her."

"You were going to leave her for Tasha. Because a moroi can have children with a dhampir and two dhampir can't have children together."

"Every time you open your mouth you just sound dumber and dumber. You are truly the epitome of a dumb blonde. I was never going to leave my Roza, not for that or any-fucking-thing else. How dare you assume things that you know absolutely nothing about."

"Actually, some dhampir can have children with other dhampir." Liz spoke up.

"Wh... what do you mean? Everyone knows that's impossible." Dragomir sputtered.

"No, it's not impossible it just doesn't happen very often. But it is definitely possible you just have to be very blessed, determined and lucky."

"No!" She stomped her foot like a spoiled child. "I won't allow this she doesn't deserve to be happy she is a blood whore."


I just had to speak up here again, "really? Do you even know what a blood whore really is? Well by all means let me tell you. A real blood whore is a person who willingly lets someone feed from them during sex and likes it. Now where do you get the idea that my wife is a blood whore?"

"I fed from her when we were on the run."

"True but did it happen during sex?"

"No." She sounded defeated.

"Did she enjoy it?"

Again she said, "no."

"So from the fact that she fed you, just to keep you alive you think that she is a blood whore. Maybe my math is off but that doesn't quite add up to me."

"But she let Jesse and Ralf feed from her during sex." She threw back.

I shook my head at her, "I'm afraid that won't wash either. I was there not only was she pushing Jesse away from her refusing to have sex with him but she also wouldn't let him feed from her. She was revolted by the idea actually. As for Ralf, his dumb ass was nowhere near that room. Not to mention the fact that Roza was a virgin the first time we were together. But you already know all of this because we have already discussed it." I said as I caressed the side of Roza's neck with the very tips my fingers making sure that they all saw it. As well as saw and heard her reaction to my touch. Then I leaned down and kissed the back of her neck right over her molniya marks as well as her shoulders.

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