Chapter 37

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Our dhampir council was two-sided guardian and non-guardian. On the guardian side there was; Alberta, Yuri, Celeste, Emil, Eddie, and Tamara.

The non-guardian side of the council consisted of; Art, Mark, a retired Hans Croft, my grandmother, Blake, and Kelsie.

The returned section of the council was; Ivan, Daniel, Ariana, Melissa, Gabriel, and Chelsea.

The moroi part of the council was; Mia, Abe, Chris, Jill, Alexa, and Steven.

An hour after Abe came in everyone was gathered in mine and Roza's office. And we had sent Dimi off with her nanny, Sally Wellington.

Roza and I had also decided that when Tommy finished his training he would become one of Dimi's guardians. He was very determined to make up for his lost time and become the best guardian that he could be. He had even asked for a mentor. What had shocked us all was when Pavel had volunteered for the position.

He said he would take no chances that his great niece did not have the best security that could be provided. He also told us that he would further train all the guardians that would be assigned to all of our children. Roza was so touched that she cried. Of course she had blamed the pregnancy hormones.

As Roza had predicted Tommy and Sally had fallen in love and planned to marry as soon as Tommy started working.

After our councils gathered Roza addressed them. "Today we received a video from Kirova. We have not watched it yet we wanted to wait until you were all here. So we have no idea what's on it."

Roza turned on the video and we were swept into the royal meeting room at court.


(DPOV) Dragomir

"Have the prisoner brought in."

A few moments later six lower royals escorted in a man that I hated with every fiber of my being. Victor Dashkov.

"Ah Vasilissa, it's been a while since I have seen you. How have you been?"

"This is not the time for pleasantries or chit chat. I brought you here for a reason."

"Oh yes? And what might that be?"

"I am offering you your freedom. If you do something for me."

"Such as?"

"I want you to find and kill Dimitri Belikov, Rose Hathaway, and any and all of their children. If you do this I will set you free and return all of your forfeited wealth."

I could not believe what happened next. He laughed at me!!!

"You are insane after all aren't you?"

"What do you mean?"

"I may have been locked up in Tarasov but I know exactly what has happened. What you made happen. Because of you our people are divided even more now than they were before. The only people left in our world are the pathetic royals. I wanted you as queen because I thought that you could unite our people. But all you have done is destroy our whole society. The dhampir and non-royals were not meant to be slaves. We are not better than them just because we were born with titles and money. You were supposed to better our lives, all of our lives, but instead you have ripped them even further apart. Because of your words and deeds Rose led a revolution and she won. Hands down she won. Just as she should have. I thought, wrongly apparently, that since Rose was supposed to be your best friend. That you would see that the dhampir and non-royals deserve a life just as good as the royals. And a say as to how they lived those lives. But instead you have ended not only our way of life but you have destroyed us all. Now because of you there are no guardians. There may be three for every one hundred of us. We were in a shortage before you fucked up but now we are all doomed!!! You have only succeeded in destroying all of us!!!"

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