Chapter 40

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"That's great baby, I can't wait to see her. Now go sit with your babushka."

"Ok, papa." I sat her down and she ran over to my mama again making everyone laugh. Everyone loved their little princess.

Then came the bridesmaids. First to walkout was Jill followed by my  baby sister Vika shortly after she walked out she was followed by Celeste finally came Roza's maid of honor, Mia. Seconds after she took her place the wedding march started.

The doors at the back of the church had closed again after Mia walked out. After the wedding march played for about a minute the doors opened again. And there before me stood my beautiful, milaya moya, my goddess, my queen, my Roza. And she looked earth shatteringly gorgeous.

She wore a gown so white that it was nearly blinding. The bodice had a sweetheart neckline it was strapless and sleeveless. It was covered in sequins, seed beads, pearls, rhinestones, and crystals. All in different shapes, sizes and designs. The skirt was satin covered with iridescent tulle. When the light hit the tulle just right it explode into a rainbow of colors. At times the shimmer would reflect back and forth between the tulle and the chandelier in the ceiling. Causing rainbows to fall over the room and because of this a lot of people gasped.

The veil that she wore looked familiar but it took me a moment to figure out why. It was actually my great great great great great grandmothers veil, it was made of handmade Russian lace. On top of the veil Roza wore an almost all diamond crown. This one was new though, it was solid gold twisted into rose vines and the diamonds were the leaves. On the top of the crown was a large teardrop shaped ruby.

The veil was so long that it trailed three feet behind her but it did not drag the ground. Because the train of her beautiful dress followed behind her by five feet so the lace of the veil was safe. Not that I really cared in this moment in time.

All I could think about right now was just how breathtakingly beautiful my Roza looked in her wedding dress. I knew that Abe was walking her down the aisle but all I could see was her. She was my reason for living, her and our children were the lights of my life. Eventually she made it down the aisle to stand in front of me.

"Take care of my baby girl Dimitri."

"For the rest of forever, Abe." He smiled and nodded before leaning over and kissing Roza on the forehead.

"Be happy kiz."

"We will baba, thank you."

Taking my Roza's hand we turned to face Father Andrew.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Queen Rosemarie Anastasia Hathaway Mazur and King Dimitri Hayden Belikov. Today they make their promises of love, fidelity, and companionship before these witnesses and God. Who gives this woman to this man?"

"I do." Abe proudly stated from where he was standing next to Alberta with their other children in their arms.

I glanced over and saw my mother holding Masie and babushka holding a smiling Dimi I smiled back at them. Today is one of the happiest days of my life. The first being when I met Roza, then the night in the cabin, followed closely by when she agreed to be my wife. Then there was the day that we found out about Dimi and the day Masie was born. After today if I have one more of the happiest days of my life I will have a whole week of them. And I personally can't wait.

"Dimitri, as the groom you get to go first."


Dimitri squeezed my hands before he began. "Roza, my Roza." He sighed happily and smiled his love sick smile.

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