Chapter 25

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"Good enough, boys get to work. When you are finished bring all the tools and spare parts with you too."

"Thanks baba. Will you make sure that everything that I've asked for is done? I need to rest? She drains me."

"Get some rest little girl. Everything will be loaded and ready to go when you wake up." I smiled at him and walked a few feet away before I started to collapse thankfully my Russian God caught me.


"Roza!" I watched her stumble and begin to fall but thankfully I was close enough to catch her. Since I was standing right by her side like always.

Lifting her in my arms I sat down I hear Abe say, "she's never passed out after 'the slayer' took control before. I'll get Liz to come check on her." I sat on the ground cradling my Roza against my chest. When out of nowhere Roza started screaming bloody murder and jerking all over. It was like she was being tortured in her sleep or having a seizure.

"Roza, Roza, Roza baby wake up, please." I pleaded.

"Darkness, so much darkness." I heard her say through gritted teeth.

"Roza, you promised me that you wouldn't take anymore of her darkness. Please stop Roza." I cried as I watched the love of my life jerk and scream for help.

"MASON!!! Help her, please!!!" I screamed.

"Rosie fight it; you can do it."

"Roza you promised, please don't leave me. Stop taking her darkness PLEASE!"

"She's not taking it Dimitri they are forcing it into her."

"Oh God, please don't take her from me. I can't lose her I just can't." Over and over I begged for God or someone to do something. We were surrounded by our people and yet none of us had a clue what to do.

"Rosie, you have to sever the rest of the bond. They are both using it to force their darkness into you. They are determined that if they can't have you then they are going to do everything in their power to make sure no one else does either."

"Can't... might... need... it." She told Mason.

"No Rosie you will never again need it. You already have all the powers the darkness gives you. All the strength, agility, magic and speed it gives you; you already have within you. 'The slayer' is a replacement for the darkness. You have to fight it Rosie fight. The reason you can't control 'the slayer' is because you also carry the darkness. Sever the rest of the bond and you will be able to control her fight Rosie. Dimitri talk to her."

"Roza baby, Mason said that you have to sever the remainder of the bond. If you do that you will be able to control 'the slayer' and not have to worry about the darkness. You have to do this Roza please, you must do this." I told her then a thought occurred to me. "Do it for me Roza do it for me and our children baby. Do it for us please. I love you Roza I can't lose you again it will kill me. Please Roza, for me and the children fight this fight it for us Roza." I hoped those words gave her the strength to fight this.

"I love you Dimitri Hayden Belikov." She said and then she screamed like she was dying. Which I was afraid that was exactly what was happening. "AAAHHHH!" Then nothing, absolute complete and total silence for about ten seconds.

Then I heard the most beautiful sound I'd ever heard in my life. My Roza took a deep breath. Then I heard more screaming this time from the cells.

"I guess they don't like getting what they give out." My amazingly beautiful and strong fiancée said. Myself and everyone else let out the breath that we were holding as we all cried.

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