Chapter 12

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"Baby calm down this isn't you. This is the darkness; this isn't you my Roza. Shhh... settle Roza." Silent for a moment I rocked her. "I'm here baby just calm down Nathan's dead. Remember we killed him and Galina when you were escaping. Shhh... I'm here for you my love. No one will ever hurt you again I won't let them I swear. Calm down milaya it's the darkness my love. This isn't you milaya moya." Over and over again I assured her that we were all safe and that Nathan and Galina were dead and couldn't hurt either of us ever again. 

Finally, she was calm enough to be moved. I lifted her into my arms bridal style and carried her from the caves. By now the sun had been out for a few hours and we needed a way to get back to the bus with as few people seeing us as possible. Especially given the state Roza was in. She was covered in so much blood you could see nothing but red. Her hair and clothes were soaked through in it.

"Yuri, can you get the guards to let us back through the gates without it causing an uproar?"

"Yea, I'll run ahead and let them know while also telling them as little as possible." With that he took off running towards the gates.

When we arrived I noticed that it was Emil at the gate. I knew that he was one of the guardians that cared about Roza as he had been one of the one's that had watched her grow up. Of course Stan Alto had also watched her grow up and he was still an asshole to her. 

I never understood why he hated my Roza so much. How anyone could hate her I'll never know; she has always been so kind, loving, generous, protective and loyal. Unless you pissed her off or hurt someone that she loved. Then you were taking your own life into your own hands and pretty much handing it to her willingly. For me it is just beyond understanding how anyone could not love her.

"Oh God Rose. What happened to her?" Emil asked Al.

"Remember everyone was told that we hunt every night when there are strigoi near?" He nodded.

"Well, that wasn't an exaggeration. Earlier Roe got a hold of a strigoi that apparently looked like the guy that turned Dimitri. None of that is her blood it all belongs to the strigoi; she went completely ape shit on his ass." Alberta informed him.

"Will she be ok?" Emil asked.

Alberta sighed before saying, "I don't know Emil. The only other time that I know of something similar to this happening was when she tried to kill Jesse Zeklos. And it was hours later when I saw her again, but by then we were in the middle of the attack. She was fine then but somehow I think this was a hell of a lot worse than it was then. But I'm praying she'll be Roe again soon and you should too. As well as anyone else here that actually cares anything about what happens to her. But don't let this out to very many people."

"I was hoping to talk to her and see if you guys need any more help. But I don't think today is the day to try. But if possible before you leave, myself and a few others would like to talk about joining you."

"That's fine Emil just give us a couple of days. Ok?" Al said to him as she patted him on the shoulder and he nodded.

He watched silently and worriedly as I walked past with Roza in my arms. "I will pray for you Rose." He said sadly as I walked by him. It made me feel good, knowing that people other than me actually cared enough about Roza to actually pray for her.

I carried my Roza onto the bus and sat down on the sofa, thankfully it was leather and not cloth, I doubt the blood would have ever come out of cloth. 

"Mia could you get me a bowl of warm water, a wash cloth or three and a few bottles of water, she'll need fluids as soon as she comes to." 

Mia went and carried out her task bringing me the things I asked for. I washed the blood from Roza's face by the time I finished her face the water was blood red. Mia got me some clean water and I sat out to clean as much of Roza as I could with an audience. No one said anything as they watched me clean her up. I assume they were still in shock.

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