Chapter 7

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Dimitri spoke first, "as you've just been told this is more or less a Q&A session with THE ABANDOND. Raise your hands and I will choose who asks the questions and this goes for anyone be it students, faculty, guardians or guests if any of you have questions feel free to raise your hands." As soon as Dimitri said his peace hands shot up everywhere.

"You third row green shirt."

"I have a question for Roe. I would like to know how it feels to be able to do what you want to do with your life instead of being forced to protect the moroi?"

"First let me say you don't have to be forced into anything. Finish your training get your mark then if you want to protect the moroi do so... if not find us if you wish. But be sure that is what you want with the rest of your life because once you leave you will not be welcomed back. And just let me add we may not be sanctioned guardians anymore but that doesn't mean that we don't risk our lives every day to protect people from the strigoi because we do. Every night after our concerts we hunt and we have killed thousands. Also there are more than a few moroi on our crew so we also protect them if the need should arise. Our moroi are not cowards they help defend themselves. But we do protect we just don't do it the way the royals demand we do. We think that everyone no matter who they are is just as important as anyone else. While 99.99% of the royals think only they are worthy of being protected which to us is bullshit. Just because you are a royal doesn't make you any better or more important than anyone else. Next question."

"Third row purple blouse."

"My question is for Eddie. Are you and Mia together?"

"Yes. We are."

"First row, yellow shirt."

"My question is for Rose. Are you still as big of a blood whore as you were when you went to school here?"

A very pissed off Dimitri jumped up, "I'll answer that question myself. One she does not answer to Rose anymore. Two she is not now nor has she ever been what you people class as a blood whore. She has only ever slept with one man. Which is me her fiancé. She is protective, fierce, self-sacrificing, loyal, loving, and an amazing wonder woman. Who spends almost every night of her life ending the reign of the strigoi and protecting everyone. Even those of you that do not deserve her hell no one deserves her she is too good for the likes of you. If I ever hear anyone calling, whispering, or insinuating that type of thing about MY Roza again I will find you and I will fucking end you I don't care who you are. Do I make myself clear?" No one said anything they were so in shock which just made Dimitri angrier, "I SAID DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!!!"

"Yes." Was all I heard from the audience and I could still tell Dimitri was past furious hell he was borderline homicidal. So I knew I had to calm him down.

Standing up I went to his side taking his face into my hands and turning him so he could look into my eyes, "baby look at me look into my eyes I'm right here my love." When he was finally able to look in my eyes I said, "there he is my Russian God. Dimitri stupid worthless people like him are not worthy of your rage nor my contempt. They are lower than the slugs that live under dog shit. Just think of our wedding, and our first time together." I could see the rage slowly receding from his eyes. Finally, I could see a smile appear on his beautiful lips. "That's my Russian God." I smiled at him. "I love you Dimitri Belikov never forget that. Don't let these pathetic excuse for people get to you. Remember not all of them are like him there are a few who are worthy of trying to save not many granted but a few. Just look at Chris, MeMe, Baba and the other moroi on our crew. They are worthy of our sacrifices. Come on let's sit back down so we can continue." Turning to look off stage, "Daniel will you bring Dimitri a chair to sit beside me? Thank you."

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