Chapter 22

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I looked across the table to see Chris had been crying. I stood up and took his hand leading him to the back. Once inside I closed the door and sat him down in the floor against the foot board of one of the beds knowing he needed to talk.

"I'm sorry you had to hear about that Chris."

"It's not your fault Roe. Apparently our love was all a lie... but I really did love her."

"I know brother I know. One day you my brother will find your true soul mate. I don't think however that it will be all that far in the future. Just be sure not to shut your heart off when it comes to love." I smiled at him already knowing who is real soul mate was.

"Will you tell me about her, Roe?"

"Of course." He sat down next to me in the floor and he lay his head in my lap and I ran my fingers slowly through his hair. As a calming gesture.

"She is beautiful. She has long dark hair, warm chocolate brown eyes, she is a year younger than us. When you see her you'll both just know, like Dimitri and I did. Although he fought it something fierce. He only did that because I was not eighteen, I was his student, and because we were supposed to both guard Lissa. But still we knew that we are soul mates. The attraction will be instantaneous like it was with Ivan and Jilly. Would you like me to tell you where she is?"

"Please?" He begged.

"She is in Russia. You already know of her but you have yet to meet. She is kind, strong, loving, gentle, smart, a sarcastic smart ass and she loves with her whole heart."

"She sound a lot like you Roe."

I chuckled a little, "yes, she is a lot like me. She is a very good friend, a sister actually, and I miss her a great deal."

"When will I meet her?"

"Well, after we finish up here we have a few months before the actual tour starts. Would you like to go to Russia when we leave?"

"Can we?"

"Of course. You know I would do anything for my family."

"I know. I am so very proud of you sis. Will you tell me her name?"

"Her name is Victoria Lynn Belikova and she is Dimitri's little sister."

"He is going to kill me."

"Only if you don't treat her right. Which we know you will just from watching how you treated Lissa."

"I love you sis."

"I love you too bro." 

I held and sang to him as he cried. He cried over his lost love that had treated him deplorably and he'd never even known it. He cried over his lost family, both his parents and that conniving bitch Tasha. And he cried in the hope of his new love. He cried himself to sleep in my embrace. I carefully lifted him in my arms and placed him in his bed and removed his shoes. Kissing his forehead before tucking him in and went back to the others.

As soon as I walked out Dimitri opened his arms for me. I knew that he had heard and seen everything. "You are going to make such a wonderful mother Roza."

"You really think so?"

"Yes, I really really do. The way you take care of everyone else the way you just took care of Chris and his broken heart. Yes, my love you will be the best mother in the world to our children."

"Thank you."

"Do you really think she is his true soul mate?"

"Yes, their souls call to each other just as ours do."

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