Chapter 36

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Celeste smacked him across the face. "You are nothing but a stupid, pitiful, powerless, useless moroi scum bag."

That is when Dimitri and I walked in.

"Oh look, it's another Belikov blood whore." He sneered. Which caused him to receive a kick in the back of the knees, by Emil. And his face being smashed against the table, by Celeste.

"Roland you are being held here for one very specific reason. You had people charm an anklet to be given to Sonya Belikova, my sister-in-law, it was charmed with black magic and it was meant to do harm. Therefore you will be put to death for promoting the use of black magic among other things. Do you have anything to say in your own defense?"

"You can't do anything to me I am a royal. You are a dhampir, you are all dhampirs."

I lit a fireball in my hand and let it rise in the air and spin around. Before it returned to my hand.

"You were saying?"

"H... how... how did you do that?"

"What part of magic do you not understand?"

"But... you're a dhampir."

"You say that like it is a bad thing." I laughed and so did everyone else but him.

The interrogation with Rufus went pretty much the same way. Until he said, "you are all supposed to be slaves to we royals. Where do you get off leaving your rightful places?"

"You see Rufus, what you and those other pathetic supposed royals are apparently too stupid to realize. Is that we dhampir are not only stronger than you we are also smarter. We are more than worthy and capable of doing as we damn well please. We are not filthy, lying, corrupt bastards like you lot. We look out for those who deserve it no matter who that may be. And you supposed to be royals do not and never have deserved the sacrifices that the dhampir race has made for you. All of you have pretty much enslaved the dhampirs for hundreds maybe even for thousands of years. Now, we are our own people we do not bow down to filth like you and your queen anymore." Dimitri said.

"Rufus, you will be put to death with Roland, for promoting the use of black magic. Although he also has other things to pay for. And you probably do as well... but lucky for you I don't know what they are. Your heads will be severed from your bodies and returned to Pennsylvania. As a warning that we will not tolerate your kind anywhere near us, our people, or our home. But before we send your heads back to court your eyes will be scooped from your heads with ice cream scoopers. You better pray that I don't decide to do this while you are still alive. Once your eyes have been removed they will be placed in a jar and put on display in my trophy room for all of our people to enjoy. Your bodies will be burned here and your ashes will be scattered by the wind. I will send a priest to you both tomorrow. Be sure that you make peace with your maker. Because you will be seeing him after your time with the priest. Good bye Taurus." I informed him before turning and leaving him to gawk at our retreating forms.

The next day things happened just as I said they would. Their screams and cries for mercy could be heard for miles. Once they were both dead their heads detached from their bodies and their eyes removed. Their bodies were wrapped and placed on pyres. The bodies burned for hours before they were nothing but ash.

I had someone place their eye less heads in separate boxes. Then they were taken via private jet to Zurich. Where they were shipped to court.

(DPOV) Dragomir

"Your majesty you have two packages."

"Thank you, Lady Conta."

Ever since that Hathaway blood whore, took most of the dhampir and non-royals. The royals have had to lower themselves to doing menial tasks. One such case is Lady Conta.

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