Chapter 27

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And just like that the hands of every remaining dhampir and non-royal, except Kirova, went up. 

"What do you think Roza?" I again leaned down this time to trail kisses along the side of her neck. Like I said before everyone would know before we left here that she was mine and I was hers.

"They each have to be interrogated extensively. Al, Eddie, Mia, Celeste, Emil, Liz, Chris and baba please take them to where Yuri has Alto. I'll be along soon to conduct their interrogations."

They all did as they were asked. Leaving Roza, Mason, Jill, Ivan and myself with the prisoners or at least I think Mason is still here.

"You know Dragomir, I really must thank you for one thing. All the times that you used spirit to heal me ended up transferring a great deal of it into my soul."

Turning to look at Ivan without saying his name she said, "please take your hood off." And he did, "thanks to all that spirit I can also bring strigoi back. Please let me introduce to you Ivan Zeklos Dimitri's best friend. Who had been a strigoi for years until I restored him a few nights ago. I have returned quite a few strigoi actually..."

"Tha... that's not possible. You're a dhampir." Ivashkov said.

"You are right," she said sarcastically. Like she was wondering if he had figured that out all by himself. "I am a dhampir, I am a dhampir that can use magic. And if you don't want to be my next meal don't interrupt me again." She said as she hissed at him showing them all her fangs. Which caused them to jump back in fear and me to smile.

"You know baby your fangs are a realllyyy sexy look for you. But then every look is a sexy look for you." I told her before capturing her lips in a possessive kiss. Then I caressed her fangs with my tongue for everyone to see. Which caused a deep, loud, and extremely sexy ass moan from my wife.

"Thank you baby. Later I'll show you just how sexy they can be if you are up for it." She laughed at her insinuation.

"Sweetheart, where you are concerned I'm always up for anything." And again I kissed her while lifting my hand to caress her bountiful breast. It took everything I had not to shove her against the wall. And fuck her until we both screamed the walls down

Like I said she is mine. While we were making out she moaned sexily causing me to get even harder. "God Roza, you make me so damn hard." She just smiled and licked my lips again causing me to whimper with longing for her. We stood there making out for almost ten solid minutes.

"As I was saying before my husband got me all worked up. I am the first of my kind I don't know if there will ever be another like me. But that doesn't matter all that matters to me is my family and friends. Since you pathetic excuse for moroi are the only ones left on campus. I will have someone call court tomorrow and have them send someone to let you out. I don't know who that will be or how long it will take. Because I have taken most, if not all, of the dhampir and non-royals. Not only from here but also from court all the academies and communities across the globe. And the royals that are living away from court have lost their guardians as well. So from now on you supposed royals will all have to defend yourselves, cook your own food, clean your own houses and clean your own toilets..." She just loved that saying for some reason. "I hope you enjoy it seeing a no-good royal elbow deep in piss and shit would be a hilarious sight to behold. Goodbye to you all."

I guess that is why she loved saying that so much. And I had to admit it imagining the royals elbow deep in their own piss and shit was fucking hilarious.

She stopped for a moment in front of the cell holding the royal students. Looking at them she said, "always remember the truth of why this has happened. Just because you are born with money and a title it doesn't make you a bit better than anyone that doesn't have those things. Once you are eighteen if you wish to join us gather your money in cash. Take a private plane to Europe and put out word that you are looking for Roe Mazur. You will be found and interrogated to see if you are sincere, if you are you may join us. If you are not... well let's just say that we deal very very harshly with spies. Deadly as a matter of fact. Also you should know that titles don't transfer. So if you value your title over decency then stay where you are."

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