Chapter 3

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Eddie, Mia, Chris, Abe, Sydney and I all sat on the bus waiting for Roe and Dimitri. Just as we had been doing for the last three hours. Then it struck me, the last time that I had waited this long for them was that night in the cabin. I couldn't hide my smile even though I tried to.

"Do you think she killed him and is hiding the body?" Mia asked everyone.

"No. She loves him she would never really hurt him." Eddie replied.

"Eddie she pulled a gun on him, put it to his head and cocked it for crying out loud."

"MeMe calm down it was empty. I made sure to unload it when she wasn't looking before she put it in her pocket. I figured she would pull it on him when he showed up tonight."

"Oh good. But she could have beat him to death by now."

"No, not Dimitri. Like I said she loves him just as much as he loves her."

I couldn't take it anymore, "I'm going to go check on them." There were me too's from everyone. "Ok but we have to be very quiet." With that said we went to the dressing room. 

I told everyone to wait and let me check on them. Opening the door I was met with a sight I will never forget. I had been hoping that I was right and I was. There they lay on the sofa her on top of him her head buried in the crook of his neck his cheek on top of her head both of them sound asleep with huge smiles on their faces and arms wound tightly around each other. Quietly I closed the door. 

I walked back to the group and said, "well she didn't kill him but looks like they tired each other out quite a bit." 

I saw Abe raise an eyebrow questioningly and I just gave him smile and slight nod to answer his unasked question. I could tell by his smile that he was happy for them. Thrilled that his 'little girl' was happy again he was so happy that it's a wonder he didn't jump for joy.

"Did they fight that much?" Asked poor little innocent Mia. I'll never understand how she can be so not innocent and yet so completely innocent at the same time.

"Uh no."

"Then how did they tire each other out?"

"Mia sometimes you are far too innocent for your own good." I told her hoping she would catch on.

"What do you mea... oh ok sorry."

"Are you serious?" Eddie and Chris asked.

"Guys, I don't know if you know this or not. But when you love someone as much as they love each other. And you are as angry with them as she has been with him and it burns with such a passion it's not because you are actually angry. So take how passionately angry that Roe has been. And mix that with the love, despair, and desperation that Dimitri was feeling and things are bound to explode. And since it didn't explode into violence there was only one other way. Let's all get back on the bus. I have a feeling we are going to want to see them when they make their appearance. Abe we are going to need a new bus just for them with a master bedroom."

"I had hopes so it's already on its way to the next stop. Do any of you realize what our next stop is?"

"Sorry Abe that's not part of my job so I don't keep up with the where just the security." I told him with a laugh as we got back on the bus.

"What is our next stop Abe?" Mia asked.

"We have three shows at St. Vlad's and the new queen will be there." After having left the moroi world behind none of us, except Abe, kept up with the politics anymore.

"Who's the new queen? What happened to Queen Bitch?" Chris asked.

"Tatiana was killed by a moroi; who I don't think I should name. Said moroi tried to frame Rose but as she was on stage in Texas in front of thousands of people at the time it didn't work. Thankfully that was also one of our televised shows."

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