Chapter 48

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"Kirova sent us another message."

"Huh, its been so long that I didn't really expect to get another one."

"Well, I don't know what's on it because I haven't looked at it yet. But she must have thought that it was important enough to send it to us."

"True." Roza turned to one of our assistants. "Trudie, can you contact the councils? And ask them to come to the conference room immediately. Then call the kitchen and ask for the usual meeting spread."

"Yes your majesty, of course."

"Thank you Trudie."

Trudie bowed and went about her work.

An hour later Roza and I as well as each member of all three of our councils were sitting in the conference room.

"Ladies and gentlemen, let me thank you all for dropping everything to attend this emergency meeting. We have received another message from Ellen Kirova our spy in the Dragomir/Ivashkov world."

"What is it about?" Alberta asked.

"We don't know we haven't watched it yet." I said and Alberta gave an answering nod.

Roza turned to one of the best technical and computer geniuses in Freedom.

"Toby, could you get it started for us?"

"Yes your majesty, of course." A few seconds later we were again swept up in the happenings at the royal moroi court in Pennsylvania, America.



"Every one of you sit down and shut the hell up!!!" I yelled.

I don't think that Tatiana ever had this hard of a time being queen. All of these spoiled and petty people none of them seemed capable of doing what I told them to. They all acted as if I wasn't the most important person in the world. I mean seriously who did they think they were?

Eventually, the fighting died down as did the noise. Without guardians the royals went at each other like it was a free for all. They acted as if the were commoners or God forbid dhampir.

"We are here today to discuss how to keep us all safe not to fight amongst ourselves. Please, show some decorum you are all royals after all so act like it." These people seriously needed to grow up.

"Now, the only choice that I see is that we use the lowest ranking royals as guardians." This caused yet another round of arguing.

I waited for them to fight themselves out before I tried speaking again.

"As I was saying..."

"Who do you propose we use as guardians? And how would they be allocated?"

"As I just said the lowest in the ranks are the ones who would be guarding us. As for your other question, as queen I would get the most guards obviously." Everyone started screaming then.

I looked at Adrian and said, "I think we made a major mistake when we went after Rose and her friends the way that we did."

"It would seem so. But I wanted and still want to fuck her hard enough to shatter her teeth. And to feed from her as much as possible without drinking her dry. Just thinking about it makes me hard." He said as he stuck his hand down his pants grabbed his dick and started to fondle himself.

I used to think that Adrian was a good-looking guy. Who was fairly competent in bed not as good as Christian or some others that I have been with. But competent just the same. But now just being around him made me nauseous.

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