Chapter 23

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"Because, I love her different than what everyone else does. She is the love and light of my life, my soul mate, she is the only reason that I was put on this earth, and she is definitely the only reason that I am still here."

I heard her sigh she slowly pulled herself up my body just before she lay her forehead against mine so that she could look into my eyes. Then she lovingly said, "I love you so much Dimitri I don't know what I ever did right enough to deserve you. But whatever it was I am sooo damn glad that I did it."

"Milaya moya, just being you is more than enough. You are the most amazing, alluring, magnificent, woman that there ever will be. And I love you so much Roza so much that sometimes I think that my heart might burst with my love for you. I spent too much time trying to deny it and hide it I will never be able to tell you enough how much I love you. There will never be enough time throughout all of forever to tell you and show you just how much I love you." For a few minutes there was silence.

She smiled sweetly then her look turned devious, "Dimmmitriii," uh oh now I know I'm in trouble. She had laid her head in the crook of my neck by this time.


"Do you remember that day in the gym when you told me that you had lots to teach me?"

I laughed like I could ever forget that, "yes, of course I do. Do you honestly think I could ever forget the feel of your lips on mine?"

"I certainly hope not." She replied leaning up and giving me that sexy 'come and get some' smile. Damn that smile never failed to turn me on.

"What about it?"

"What were you going to teach me exactly?" Again, with that smile.

"Well, I already taught you some of it in the cabin."

"What made you think to use your tongue in that way? You said you were a virgin and I believe you, so where did the inspiration for that come from?"

"Babe, I know that women talk about sex. But guys talk about it a hell of a lot more I imagine. They talk about what they've done, what they want to do, what they fantasize about doing. When it comes to pleasuring our women we also have a damn good imagination. Plus, I had wanted to taste you ever since the very first time that I ever saw you."

"Really? Did you ever tell anyone about us?"

"Yes I did. No. You are all mine."

"Did you talk about your fantasies?" She enquired.

"When I was young, sure. After I meet you, no. I kept us to myself I never wanted to share anything about you with anyone else. I've always wanted to keep you all to myself."

"So have you had fantasies about me?"

"So so soooo many, there is no way to keep up with them all."

"What have you fantasied about doing with me?"

Flipping us over so I could rest between her glorious legs I said, "baby, I love you so much. But if I start thinking about my fantasies of you we will not be getting out of this bed for at least a month probably a whole lot longer. You have to know that I fantasized about you every night for well over a year. And after the lust spell, there were several different ones every night. Even after I was returned I dreamed and fantasized about you every night. I have been dreaming and fantasizing about you every night since the very first time that ever saw a picture of you and I do mean every night. Hell to be honest I've even day dreamed about you all that time too. Even when I was a strigoi I would day dream and fantasize about you. But we can discuss that later as we unfortunately have things that have to be done today. So tonight I will share one of my fantasies with you, how's that?"

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