Chapter 28

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I loved my Roza so much. I never thought it was possible to love anyone as much as I love her. And she had just managed to give me the one thing that I wanted with her and only with her. That until recently I never thought we could ever have together. A child our own biological child.

I remember back to when Natasha made me that offer. About becoming her guardian and having a family with her. As much as I had always wanted children. I could never see anyone as the mother of my children except Roza. And if she could not be their mother then I did not want children at all.

As we spun around we laughed happy joyous laughs. We were so happy that nothing could bring us down. Setting her on her feet I looked deep into her mesmerizingly beautiful brown eyes and said, "I love you so much Roza."

"And I love you just as much Dimitri." Again we laughed together.

"Ok calm down. Because anyone that knows what we were just doing will know just by the look on your face that you are pregnant."

"Me?! What about you? You look like a four-year-old that just found out Santa is real." She laughed at me. But what could I say I was so happy happier than I ever remember being in my entire life.

"Baby the way I feel right now Santa may very well be real." I laughed back.

"Ok guardian mask time. But don't look at me until its time for the reveal or I'll break."

We were so happy it took us a few minutes to get what she called our guardian masks on.

"You know you are one hot mama, Roza." She burst out laughing when I said that. But I just couldn't help it it was the truth and I was soo happy.

"Ok, ok, ok. Deep breath, anddd here we go."

We walked to the bands bus, opened the door, and walked inside. Abe, Al, Ivan, Jilly, Chris, Eddie, Mia, Yuri, Celeste, Emil, and Liz were all there. And they were all waiting patiently for the answer to the unasked question.

"Well?" Abe asked.

"You ready mama?"

"I am, are you ready daddy?"

"YES!!! On the count of three we scream we are pregnant. That ok with you mama?"

"I'm good with that daddy."

"Ok, 1... 2... 3."

"We are pregnant!!!!" We both screamed at the top of our lungs at the same time. There were screams of "I'm going to be an uncle, I'm going to be an aunt, I'm going to be a grandfather and I'm going to be a grandmother." Throughout the bus.

Along with cheers and cries of joy words of congratulations all mixed with tears of happiness. We even heard Mason squeal about being an uncle. And everyone could tell that he was jumping up and down in glee just from how he sounded. He is such a girl sometimes. After an hour of this everyone quieted down a bit.

"Roe are you going to keep this one?" Liz asked. I knew I had no idea what she was talking about and I could feel that Roza didn't either.

"What are you talking about Liz?" Roza asked her.

"Wait, are you telling me she didn't tell you?!!" Liz asked her incredulously.

"Again, what are you talking about?" A highly confused Roza asked.

"Oh God, I can't believe she never told you!! What the hell is wrong with her?!!!!"

"Liz! What are you talking about?" I asked her myself this time.

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