Chapter 4

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She put her arms around my neck and combed her fingers through my hair scraping my scalp with her nails causing me to shiver. I have always loved the feel of her nails on my skin. She gave me that man-eater-smile of hers making my blood boil with lust. 

"Not very bloody likely I love your hands and mouth on me." Then she asked the silliest question I swear I've ever heard come out of her beautiful mouth. "Does that make me sound like a slut?"

Shaking my head at this ridiculous question. I answered her anyway, "no love it makes you sound like exactly what you are. A woman who is in love with a man who loves her desperately. Oh I forgot to give you your ring we got a little distracted." I grinned and wiggled my eyebrows at her. Getting down on one knee I asked her again the way that she deserved to be proposed to.

"Rosemarie Anastasia Hathaway Mazur, My Roza, I have loved you since the very first time that I ever laid eyes on you in Portland. We have had some bad times all of which were my fault and due to my own stupidity and fear. But I love you more than life itself I always have and I always will. Everything I have ever said or done that made you doubt that just proved what and asshole I've been. I am a simple dhampir but everything that I have or ever will have is yours. Roza, will you do me the greatest of honors and become my wife? Loving me forever and ever and letting me do the same for you?"

"Yes Dimitri my answer will always be yes." 

Standing up I kissed her then slipped the ring on her beautiful finger before kissing her graceful but deadly hand.

"I love you so much my Roza."

"As I love you my Comrade." 

The smile that split my face when she called me that couldn't be hidden not that I would ever try to hide anything from her ever again. I would never tire of hearing her call me that. But good God did she really need to call me her Comrade? Just hearing her call me 'Comrade' made me want to make love to her for days on end without stopping. But 'my Comrade' I could barely hold myself back from taking her right here against the wall and showing her yet again just how much I love her. It got to me almost as much as when she calls me Mitri and that was one word that I would never be able to resist. When I saw her smile I knew that she could see the desire in my eyes and just how difficult it was for me not to make love to her again right then and right there. When I was finally able to get myself back under control we left the room.

We meet everyone for breakfast in the restaurant attached to the hotel. And Roza being Roza ate enough for everyone.

"I swear I'll never understand how you eat that much?" Christian laughed at her. "But I'm glad that you're finally eating again." He said with a smile. Hearing that I knew she hadn't been eating well which was also my fault. God, how could I have been so fucking stupid. But never again would I let anything or anyone come between us. I will be here from now on to be sure that she is taken care of properly. She's finally mine again and mine she would stay.

"Well you see Chris when you use a huuuge amount of energy the night before, breakfast is a good way to replenish said energy. And if I'm really lucky then I'll need to eat this much or more for every meal from now on." Everyone laughed at this.

"Ok, we'll be leaving for St. Vlad's in an hour. But first I never got around to telling you who the new queen is."

"Yea baba who is the new queen? I hope she's better than Tatiana because she was a true bitch. Not that the moroi world means anything to us anymore."


"The new queen is Vasilissa Dragomir." I was shocked beyond words.

"I don't know what to say. But that was another life time for me so I don't care. I'm just glad I'm not bonded to her anymore."

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