Chapter 34

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"Alright, we will see you in a few days. Remember not a word to anyone."

"Sure thing, Dimka. I love you guys and I can't wait to see you."

"Love you too." Roza and I said before hanging up.

"I think she is going to kick your ass Comrade." My Roza laughed.

"I doubt it there is only one woman I know who could kick my ass. And as much as I love my little sister, it is not her."

"Oh, who is it then?" She asked teasingly.

"The same woman I belong to. The same person who owns me; heart, mind, body, and soul. I am sure that you remember who that is don't you milaya?" I asked with a raised eyebrow as I unlocked the door to the family home.

"Hmm, I'm not sure maybe you should show me again." She purred in my ear as she walked by and into the house. Causing shivers of desire to roll down my spine and goosebumps to breakout across my skin. My blood sang in my veins with desire for her just like it always has.

"Let's put Dimi to bed first then I will remind you of who I belong to."

After we put Dimi to bed, I made sure that she knew exactly who I belonged to. We showed each other for hours and hours and hours who held our hearts, minds, bodies, and souls.

After we crashed through the walls of ecstasy for the last time that night. We fell asleep in each other's arms.

We stayed in Baia for a few days to rest and relax before moving on to Freedom.

Once we got to Freedom we went straight to my family's new home. And I must say it was truly amazing. I had never seen a dhampir family with a home like this. It looked more like a mansion than a family home. From the outside it was exactly as Vika had described it freaking huuuge.

Roza had texted Vika and told her to be sure that she was the one answering the door today. Because she was the only one that knew we were coming.

Once we arrived at the house Roza's nerves set in. "What if they think I cheated on you Dimitri?"

"Roza look at our daughter." She did and she smiled a smile that she only held for me and our baby girl. "Now is there anyway someone can look at her and us and not know that she is ours?"

"No, but..." I cut her off with a kiss.

"No buts, this is our little girl. Just as you are carrying another of our children. We will explain everything to them and they will understand. You seem to forget; just how much they love you. And they will love Dimi and all of our children the same way."

She sighed, "you are right of course."

I kissed her cheek, "of course I am." She laughed and knocked on the door.

A few seconds later the door was flung open to reveal my baby sister Viktoria. I thanked God that I was the one holding Dimi in a baby carrier. When Vika attack hugged Roza a milli-second after she opened the door.

"Come in, come in." She squealed.

I couldn't hear anyone else around so I asked, "where is everyone?"

"Well, Paul is at school. Karo and Sonya are at work they got jobs in the palace. Which I am assuming is more of Roza's handy work." She smirked at Roza who just nodded. "Mama and babushka took Zoya and Roslyn to the market with them. I took the day off of classes because I knew that you were coming today. And I wanted to be here when you arrived. Plus Roza asked me to be the one to open the door when you arrived."

"Classes?" I asked.

"Yeah, I enrolled in the university when we arrived."

"That's great Vika I am so proud of you."

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