Chapter 29

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Stepping closer to my Roza and tightening my arms around her and Dimitria I did as she asked.

Roza held Dimitria up so that it was a good shot of all of us. Roza and I both had smiles so big that you could see almost all of our teeth. And just before the click of the camera Dimitria laughed and shook her little fist. Which caused everyone else to laugh. It actually looked like she was shacking her little fist at Tasha. Saying, 'ha ha I did get my family after all you stupid suka.'

Abe walked away and called his contact back, "I sent you a picture. I want you to be sure that Ozera orospu gets a damn good look at it before you kill her. Make sure that she knows that this is the child that she tried to have murdered before it was born. Tell her that is Dimitri and Rose Belikov, with their oldest baby Belikov, and their unborn baby Belikov. And I want that on the video too. Very good call me when you are done." Abe returned to us. "it's being done as we speak Rose. As soon as they finish we will get our proof." Roza and I both nodded our understanding to him.


I can't believe that I'm already a mother to the most beautiful little girl to ever live and I'm pregnant too. 'Thank you God, for the blessings that you have given to me and my family. I know I haven't always believed in you. But I do now and I thank you so much for all the blessings that you have given me.' I look up and notice the look on Chris's face I know that the things that Tasha have done have hurt him a great deal.

"Comrade, would it bother you if I asked Chris if he wants to hold Dimi? All of what Tasha has done is killing him."

"No my love, of course not."

"How do you feel about asking him and Vika to be her godparents?"

"I think that is a wonderful idea, babe."

"Chris would you like to hold her?"

He quickly raised his eyes to me, "for real?" I just smiled and nodded my head to him. "Yes of course, I would love to." Walking over to him I laid Dimitria in his arms and watched as he became even more captivated by her.

She smiled at him and turned her head to the side a little to face him more. As he caressed her cheek softly with the side of his index finger. Dimitria grabbed his finger and stuck it in her mouth, causing everyone to laugh even Chris.

All the while he had tears in his eyes. Looking back at me he said, "thank you sis. And I am so so sorry for what Tasha has done and tried to do to you, to all three of you."

I gently lay my hand on his shoulder, "it's not your fault Chris you did not force her to do any of it. She's always been a fucking crazy homicidal bitch at least as long as I've known her. After all the times that she threatened to kill me. Both before and after she did this nothing she could ever do would surprise me."

"Roza, what do you mean she threatened to kill you when did that happen?"

"The first time was at the ski lodge. She had seen us talking on the stairs before Ivashkov interrupted. She saw how close we were standing and she didn't know that you had just pretty much called me a child."

He visibly flinched when I reminded him of that.

"So she told me that you were hers and that if I didn't stay away from you she would kill me, Lissa, Chris, Eddie and Mason. At first I laughed, but then I saw her look to where Lissa and Chris were standing. Behind them was a man who had a gun pointed directly at them."

"My God, what the hell is her problem? She is my aunt and I have never seen or heard of her acting the way she does where Roe is concerned?"

"Like I said before she's jealous, crazy jealous. She actually thinks that Dimitri loves her and that he wants to be with her. She told me once that I would never be able to come between them. That he had asked her to marry him and she'd accepted."

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