Chapter 6

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Poor Celeste she looked lost as a blind goose and I know just how she feels. She leaned close to Yuri and asked him, "did they just call Roe queen?" So he explained what he knew so far.

"Well as you may or may not know I have a band called THE ABANDOND. We are always in need of extra security and if any of you would like to join us feel free to do so. If not tell me what you would like to do and we will get you to doing whatever it is. If any of you would like to travel to the returned court we will make arrangements for you to do that." They all signed on as security because they all wanted to help keep my Roza safe.

"Baba we are going to need another bus if you can get one with eight beds fine if not get ever how many we need."

"I'll make the call now kiz." With that said Abe walked away. Apparently Abe was the bands manager and all around problem solver so this part of his business was legitimate at least.

"Alright all of you follow Al she'll get you set up with everything you need. Our meet and greet is tonight at 9:00 so try to get a little rest before then." With that said they all left following after Alberta like ducklings after their mama. The returned on one side of the fence and Al on the other. I assume she was walking them to the gate to get them inside.

"Roe, I don't suppose you need any more security or anything do you?" Yuri asked Roza.

"We can always use more security since there are moroi in our crew why do you ask?"

"Well..." he looked at Celeste she smiled and nudged him to continue.

"Celeste and I love each other and in this world we can't..."

Roza held up her hand to stop his explanation, "you don't need to say anything else. Dimitri and I know exactly how that feels don't we my love?"

"Yes, we definitely do." I replied taking my glorious woman back into my arms. "We have loved each other since we first met and trying to stay away from each other nearly killed us. It did cause some major problems but that's all in the past. Now anytime I want I can have my arms around this wonder woman. Who apparently is my queen." I said grinning at her the whole time.

"Shut up. I'm not your queen but I am your fiancée so please don't call me queen." She begged me with a small alluring pout on her oh so very tempting and luscious lips. Which just made me want to kiss her until we were both completely and totally stupid so I didn't hold back. Why would I there are no more boundaries for us.

"God I love you so much woman." Then again I kissed her while running my hands through her long silky hair. A few moments later... after we had regained our composure I said, "fine, I won't call you queen but even if you weren't queen of the returned you would still be my queen."

"What do you mean?" She asked curiously.

"You are the queen of my heart." She blushed but looking into her eyes I could see how happy it made her for me to have said that.

"Awww... Dimitri you've turned into a true man in love. It's so sweet." Celeste commented to me.

"See what you've done to me you've turned me into the 'stay puff marshmallow man.' I'll never be seen as the same guardian I used to be." I told Roza while kissing the tip of her nose gently. Not that I cared how anyone saw me except of course for my Roza.

"Oh please you're still the same deadly guardian God Dimitri Hayden Belikov that you always were. Then you were sexy as hell but now you are by far the sexiest man that will ever live." She said as she caressed my cheek lovingly. God help me I love this woman so damn much; I'll never be able to express it properly.

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