Chapter 21

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"Yes ma'am sorry Mrs. Belikov. The queen has demanded your presence at once."

"Well guardian...?"

"Ansel ma'am." I smiled at him I could tell this whole mess was upsetting him.

"Well Guardian Ansel, you can inform your queen. That she is no position to demand that I or any member of my crew do anything. We are not her subjects as she was told before. If she wants to see us she knows where we are. Also, Guardian Ansel I'm sorry that you are stuck in the middle of this. If you would like after you deliver my answer you can join our crew."

"Really?! You would allow me be a part of what you are doing?!" He asked so excitedly that I almost laughed.

"As long as you are able to take orders from me and my omega, then yes."

"Thank you ma'am, thank you so much. As soon as I pass on your answer I will pack my belongings and return. Thank you, thank you so very much." And off he ran.

Looking at Daniel who was one of the guards standing next to the door, "Danny inform our moroi that their skills may be needed before the night is over. Also, instruct the roadies to be ready not only to fight if necessary but also to be able to move the equipment as quickly and carefully as possible. I want everyone to have their weapons handy just in case. Tell them to begin packing everything that is not absolutely needed."

"Yes, my queen." I watched as he relayed my orders. Then I closed the door once again locking it.

"Celeste, is there any way that you can get Jilly here?"

"Yes, I can call Emil. He and some of the others want to join us anyway."

"Please do that right away. And tell him that she is to pack all of her stuff to bring with her and that she is to have at least eight guardians escort her."

"Yes, my queen." I playfully scowled at her causing her to laugh as she too made her call.

Half an hour later there was again a knock on the door looking out the window Ivan said, "it's Jilly." So Mia quickly opened the door and Jilly raced to Ivan and fell into his waiting arms.

"Shhh... honey it will all be ok. Our queen will make sure of that; I have complete faith in her." Ivan said as he patted her back.

Emil brought with him twenty guardians some of whom were also teachers. As well as seventeen moroi teachers and staff.

"Ok everyone. I need to interview you each separately just to be sure that none of you are spies for that Dragomir bitch. Someone will use compulsion on you to be sure that you are open and honest with us. If you have a problem with that then this is not the place for you." I waited to see if anyone made a move to leave and none of them did.

"Very well one at a time you will be brought in the back and questioned by myself, my omega and my father. Do you understand?" They all nodded their agreement.

"Let me tell you all something first, if you are a spy you will not enjoy the punishment of attempting to do so. Moroi, your magic is blocked on this bus so that you can't use it against someone." It really wasn't but they didn't need to know that I was actually blocking their powers myself. But once they got in the back it wouldn't really matter.

Someone else knocked on the door just then and I said, "grand central station everyone." Making them all laugh. Abe went to answer it this time.

"It's Ansel." Abe let him on board this time.

"Ma'am I delivered your message and I don't think I need to say that she was absolutely livid. She said that if a war is what it takes to get you where you are supposed to be then a war is what you will get. So far every guardian she is telling to attack is refusing. They are removing their uniforms and throwing them at her feet." I couldn't help but smile.

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